To be fair, Bethesda is owned by Microsoft. Even before the acquisition, they had no interest in supporting Linux (and I think this is significantly too demanding for the Steam Deck).
I am really interested and looking forward to game, whether I will play it on release is to be seen (mostly due to my lack of a functional gaming system currently).
Despite both Skyrim and Fallout 4 being fairly underwhelming, their games always end up providing more than enough gameplay for the amount I pay. Their games scratch an itch that is just so unique and special.
However, I am hoping that they push more towards the gameplay loop and depth of Morrowind, give me something to sink my teeth into. I am in general very positive towards a science fiction setting in such an expansive universe (and the potential for mods).
I currently am landlocked, so I am very biased towards anything and everything water based.
I rarely touch anything that isn't 35mm anymore, so its always nice seeing some instant film!