The 48th annual Canadian Masters Outdoor Track and Field Championships have returned this weekend, and for the first time in many years, the event is being held in British Columbia.
Vancouver landlords are seeking, on average, more than $3,000 per month in rent for a one-bedroom apartment in the city, according to the latest monthly data from
Mounties serving a huge geographic area in British Columbia say 911 service has been restored Saturday afternoon, after "intermittent issues" earlier in the day.
One person was taken to hospital in critical condition and an intersection was closed to traffic after a crash involving a semi truck in Port Coquitlam Saturday morning.
Dogs trained to find bodies sniffed through piles of rubble and ash as stunned survivors of deadly wildfires that killed at least 80 people on the Hawaiian island of Maui took stock of their shattered lives and tried to imagine rebuilding from nothing.
Environment and Climate Change Canada has issued heat warnings for a large swath of B.C.'s South Coast, including eastern Vancouver Island, the Sunshine Coast, Howe Sound, Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley.
The owners of a Fraser Valley farm that takes in rescue horses and runs programs to help kids, say their operation is in jeopardy because of a battle with the government.
Hundreds more Canadians fleeing the fire-ravaged island of Maui arrived in Vancouver Friday, describing scenes of chaos they witnessed during their escape.