3D printers, furniture, sim racing setup, camera gear, electronics.
Seriously, a set of allan keys and some torx bits are basic tools.
3D printers, furniture, sim racing setup, camera gear, electronics.
Seriously, a set of allan keys and some torx bits are basic tools.
Hihi, Wixhausen
I dont buy Starbucks, and I won't buy a 20€ Ad-Removal. It is simply to much. 5 would be an instant buy, 10€ may have been ok.
I bought both pro and dev back on the day, and I expected a similar price.
Imo the discord works quite well. For mods the github repo us great and for most questions a diacord is enough. I like the fact that i can quickly share stuff and get answers. Forums always felt very clunky to me. I can use them, but the culture us often a bit shit, and then there are those that need registration to view posts or pictures. While those problems also apply to discord, i dont need a ton of accounts, i can somply join a server.
The instructions on the Web are pretty good, unless you start messing with Tons of mods, but thats your own fault.
Ist ganz nice weil du dann zum bespiel eine allgemeine email hast, also z.b. "[email protected]" und dann aber je nach zweck mit "+" was ergänzen kannst, also z.b. "[email protected]". Das ganze ist nice, weil du bei Spam dann relativ schnell weißt, wer deine Emails rausgegeben/verkauft hat.
Was bei Gmail auch ging, war beliebiges "." Setzten, also z.b. "[email protected]" geht an die gleiche Email wie die beiden oben genannten.
Yes, son of a whore is a much better translation. Son of a bitch is a much weaker translation.
Its even worse in elden ring. I just want to remove some of the crafting Material Grind and those stupid black bars.
Hope you dont spoil those magic cards
Did you mean to reply to my comment? In a vr user myself and id agree with you, i was just pointing out, that for me, the most immersion happens when driving cars.
(His tires are gone)
3D printing turned into building printers. Im 2 Vorons deep, and the annex k3 is starting to look interesting. Machine in general. I know I have no Real use for a co2 laser, but damn does it look interesting.
So I gues building machines.