Lol, this is the best comment I've read all week. Thank you for giving me a good laugh, I needed it!
Thanks for chiming in. I've confirmed creating the file in the file browser under "Home > .config > MangoHud" places the file in /var/home/curious_dolphin/.config/MangoHud
, so I'm still scratching my head as to why I'm unable to edit the document after the initial save. As a workaround, I've placed the config file in my top level home folder (aka /var/home/curious_dolphin
) w/ a link to it from /var/home/curious_dolphin/.config/MangoHud
where the app expects, and this seems to be working as desired.
Thanks for the tip to create a link to the file that is elsewhere. This works for me. I'm now able to configure MangoHud in a text file without using Goverlay.
Can you create any files in $HOME OR $HOME/.config/ ?
Yes - I can create (and later edit) files under /home/curious_dolphin, even under /home/curious_dolphin/.config, but for some reason once I've created a file under /home/curious_dolphin/.config/MangoHud, I cannot edit it even though the file and its parent directory appear to have the same permissions as the other files that I can edit.
In other words, after creating test.txt under /home/curious_dolphin/.config/MangoHud, I cannot edit it:
curious_dolphin@bazzite:~$ ls -la ./.config/MangoHud/
total 20
drwxr-xr-x. 1 curious_dolphin curious_dolphin 42 Feb 20 14:46 .
drwxr-xr-x. 1 curious_dolphin curious_dolphin 552 Feb 20 14:47 ..
-rw-r--r--. 1 curious_dolphin curious_dolphin 9671 Feb 20 12:22 MangoHud.conf
-rw-r--r--. 1 curious_dolphin curious_dolphin 5 Feb 20 14:46 test.txt
However, after creating test.txt under /home/curious_dolphin/.config, I can edit it:
curious_dolphin@bazzite:~$ ls -la ./.config
total 44
drwxr-xr-x. 1 curious_dolphin curious_dolphin 552 Feb 20 14:47 .
drwx------. 1 curious_dolphin curious_dolphin 460 Feb 20 14:41 ..
drwxr-xr-x. 1 curious_dolphin curious_dolphin 42 Feb 20 14:46 MangoHud
-rw-r--r--. 1 curious_dolphin curious_dolphin 10 Feb 20 14:47 test.txt
Gotcha, so in summary, anything that relies on an internet service, such as Signal, Matrix, or Simplex, is vulnerable to government ordered blocks via black list that ISPs are compelled to enforce. Am I thinking of this right?
Out of curiosity, is there anything stopping you from suggesting SimpleX? How does SimpleX compare to XMPP or Matrix?
Are there any other messaging options that are more resistant to government ordered shutdowns than Matrix?
Interesting—I feel like I see Matrix touted as more private than Signal b/c of Signal's phone number requirement. What compromising metadata does Matrix require that Signal does not?
The ITEP report cited by the article calls out the fact Tesla uses the accelerated method of depreciation and amortization instead of the straight line method. This means instead of depreciating an equal amount every year over the course of a machine's life, they are weighting these expenses more heavily in the near term in exchange for a lower expense (read: lower tax deduction) down the road. This Investopedia article explains it in more detail for those who care to learn more.
The ITEP report calls out other tax credits as well, such as carrying forward net operating losses from previous years. For anyone who cares, the full details are in their 2024 10-K filing. Open up the document, do a Ctrl+F search for "Note 13 – Income Taxes" and look at the tables on pages 80 through 82. I admit that there are several line items that I do not understand. I plugged them into Perplexity AI and asked it to explain them in layman's terms. My brain's too fried at this point, but I'll leave the link to that explanation here (again, in case anyone out there cares to learn more).
Quite charitable of you to assume they would ever come to understand anything. From what I've seen, my money's on them finding some way to blame the godless libs and not learning a darn thing.
Lots of good answers here already. I'll just add that Jon Stewart recently did a great segment that touches on this. Basically, he says if everything the government does is "OmG nAzIz FaScIsTz TrAiToRz!!!" then people who aren't already paying attention will continue tuning it out. I forget at which time in the video he gets to this point, but honestly the whole 20-minute video is worth a watch.
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