You have a point, but at the same time, in the UK at least when visiting my parents and watching their conventional TV recently, there were ads for Shell. Not advertising any particular product, mind, but they're not paying for advertising just for funsies either, I imagine.
joined 2 years ago
Als Briter kann ich bestätigen, wir haben es verkackt. (Im allgemeinensten Sinne)
I'm one of those people that has never learned to drive and i know nothing about cars... I'm guessing from the comments that the joke here is that the stuff attached to the steering wheel will explode in the driver's face if the airbag is activated, is this right?
In my experience, yes. There is a classic mode which is basically Kahoot, and many more other game types. If you're a teacher, I find Gold Quest the best one. The others focus more on the gameplay than the questions, but are still fun. Do experiment!
Bad - Selbstreinigungsanlage bad - schlecht
I'm in the UK and it sounds like it might be us.