And what about the other 49% they dragged down with them? You've also just made everyone's dental insurance 10x more expensive. Thanks!
This is not how politics works. At all.
The democrats offered nothing and got nothing in return.
Perhaps if they offered something to people, like maybe reforming the healthcare system that will bankrupt you for a bandaid, I wonder if some of those nonvoters would have paid more attention.
Hmm... The world may never know...
Last progressive president was who, maybe JFK, and he didn’t even finish a full term.
Yeah, I know. He really just quit half way through.
Oh, wait. He was ASSASSINATED.
Just a bit further now... Soon they'll be doing the "Roman" salutes too.
The "far left" has a disproportionate influence on policy and messaging?
What a joke.
They're going to use this defeat to blame progressives and Walz (who consistently had the highest favorability of anyone on either side of the race) instead of their conservative cop Kamala.
You are criticizing the child of a fascist for the actions of his father, and using fascist rhetoric to do so.
It's a shame the outage didn't take MSN down with it.
People in this thread acting like it's OK for the US to try and hack the Kremlin, and that it isn't escalatory behavior. At all. Lol.
The 40 hour workweek is WOKE!!! It came from that commie FDR's "NEW STEAL" and I hate the color green!!!!
Damn liberals forget that the company is FAMILY!! 60 hour weeks just means more time with the people who care the most bigly!!!
Tesla, Starlink, and SpaceX are all massive recipients of tax-payer dollars.
I can't wait to see how much he's going to cut their budgets!
Obviously, the US should hack the Kremlin, but if Russia hacks the Pentagon, I will be very mad!!
I am very smart.