Aren't Palestinians semitic?
About fucking time.
That's literally what they want. You depressed and suicidal. The task is reducing population by like 7.5 billion.
Torrenting often maxes out my download speed as well.
Agreed, hence this (apparently super mega unpopular) vote.
Where can I get maximum value for my old accounts?
am i correctly understanding that you believe that enforcing the law automatically necessitates killing people?
When the law declares that I have no freedom to choose what I do with my life, no freedom of movement and no private property, that isn't a law I am going to ever accept. So it necessitates violence against me, obviously.
‘communists want to kill everyone'
More like, "communists want to force their will upon everyone else which necessitates violence"
‘well maybe not all of them but the ones that dont will never succeed’
Duh? Communism requires property appropriation. How exactly do you steal property without violence?
‘well having laws means killing people’
That's you, not me.
Look, it's really simple.
You can't have communism unless everyone participates, and you can 100% guarantee not everyone will want to participate.
Therefore, either they are forced to participate, or it doesn't happen. There really isn't another option.
What the fuck happened to the internet? What happened to "never share your real name or any identifying information on the internet"?
some kind of digital identity organization(s) to be handling sensitive user data
Like Equifax? Excuse me if I am a little skeptical of "trusted" organizations handling my data.
They just haven't been prodded sufficiently to spill what they really want post-revolution and how exactly they would accomplish it. If kumbaya is their plan, well, it isn't going to succeed.
Literally just explained and demonstrated with an example of how communism inevitably requires violence, and that literally every communist would agree, but you just plug your ears and go lalala. Ok buddy.
Ok, “communists want to force their will upon everyone else which necessitates murder”
Are you happy?