True, it's too advanced for my brain due to being poisoned by Perl at a young age.
A bunch of youse is thinking irrationally.
It's them what go in front of the cannon.
Charlie Stross called the Singularity "the rapture for nerds".
Good luck with that -- I'm a pzombie this year for tax purposes.
Is that actually true? Have they been audited? One problem with long-term storage is "long-term" is a thing that humans are bad at.
The main character commits rape because this isn't a real universe anyway. You made the right choice.
It's true, but they are still fairly easy to injure.
Try forming a fist and then hitting with the outside edge of the hand instead of your poor little fingers.
Or learn from your ancestors and become a tool-using mammal. I understand milkshakes have a distinct fondness for fascists.
Mike is a fed, yes.
So is Steve. The snack thing is left over from his previous undercover assignment at NORML. That didn't end well, but he's pretty sure he can get Mike to agree to buy explosives, which will be a good bust.
Shorter: "Let's assume that I'm a godling. I will definitely be an evil god. Here's how."
My friend's father -- coincidentally named Feinman, not Feynman - used to say "They always advertise what they haven't got."
"Less Wrong".
What would effective accounting even look like?