I don't think Startmail will be affected. Ofcourse using Gmail is free pass to your data. But look at this https://www.startmail.com/ . I think if you also use Proton or other mailing services you're 99,9% safe. I sometimes play video games, some of my friends are kids who are cursing in gamechats. How will gaming chats be affected? Does the government have access already?
That's why I don't use Proton, but Startmail. Their email aliases system is perfect. Haven't got any trouble so far. Is this a common problem with Proton?
That's a great point about alias use in roundcube. I can see how it could get confusing if you accidentally reply with your real address. This is where I think alias services that handle that automatically really shine. Have you ever run into other limitations or surprises with self-hosting, like with spam filtering or uptime? I imagine it could be quite time-consuming to keep up with all the configurations and updates, especially if you're aiming to maintain strong privacy protections.
I'm curious - do you use email aliases to help reduce spam or block specific senders more easily? I've found that aliases can make a big difference in managing privacy and limiting unwanted messages. Startmail, for example, offers aliases as a convenient option without the need for self-hosting.
What about a whistle key finder? I have no idea if it works though, might be really annoying and continuously going off.
I'm also using Tuta. Very user friendly. I also have a StartMail account. Kindly depending which one I want to keep using. Maybe Tuta for personal things and my StartMail mail address for subscriptions and business related.