It feels more like a quick way to make some money from companies who will begrungingly pay until they can phase out the library (which can take time). No goodwill can be gained from such a sudden rug pull.
I am disappointed about their recent switch to a subscription model though. They quietly removed the single-time purchase "Golden Edition" and introduced multiple subscriptions. Not a good start, let's see if the enshittification continues like with all API testing tools.
I feel a bit conflicted about that, do I want that extension to hide the terrible clickbaity titles and thumbnails? For me that's a good reason to not watch these videos in the first place
Ich bin tatsächlich noch nie Ski gefahren, interessiert mich aber auch nicht damit Anzufangen. Finde die Kosten von Skikarten, Ausrüstung, An- und Abreise und Verpflegung schon sehr abschreckend.
I wouldn't mind if they were all fictional, but the massive Porsche logo? Come on, I'm not paying for a game just to see product placements. It's like Death Stranding with the energy drinks again.
Ist wirklich so, ich hab früher gerne Standard Kommentare gelesen, mittlerweile meide ich die komplett - und vermisse nichts. Ist auch besser für den eigenen Blutdruck :)
While I think the car is ridiculous too, that's a cruel thing to say.
I don't get this advocacy either, makes me wonder why? Constructing a nuclear power plant usually takes decades, they are not a solution for the more immediate problem climate change. They also introduce lots of new problems, and it's not sustainable either.
It isn't that surprising.. they are shipping AI chips, but there is almost no software that makes use of them yet. Unless people require them for a certain use case, why bother?
Reminds me a bit of "5G ready" phone contracts, just meaningless marketing. Don't need to chase every hype.
That is a depressing viewpoint. Money doesn't make happy, it just provides financial security. There are so many more important things to life.
You are deluding yourself if you think Bitcoin can only climb in value. At the end of the day there is very little you can buy with it unless you trade it in for a real currency. And for you to make a profit, someone else had to lose money. It's a zero sum game. Eventually there will be no more fools to invest in it.
The biggest mistake was to make it a "hub" for all sorts of other uses in my opinion. It shouldn't be browser based, it should be native and just focus on chatting and calls, that's it. It could be so much faster and intuitive.
Yes, LLMs are too costly for this and require a cloud service, smaller models could run on the client. The main difficulty is getting the training data and preparing it for machine learning.