Plus, half the reason for lack of interest in Flash is that in franchise terms, it's a "dead man walking" --the whole DCEU is getting the (re)boot after this, so there's no incentive to watch this installment when you know there'll be no payoff for anything it sets up.
As long as they're still making money selling ES:O expansions, why devote the resources for an all-new game?
Also, upon re-watching, the depiction of the Ferengi (especially the Grand Nagus and the ruling council) runs uncomfortably close to anti-semitic tropes. I'm honestly surprised that in a franchise & fanbase as "progressive" as Trek, this was allowed to slide past largely uncommented-upon.
I honestly never watched the last season of the show, because I liked the book ending so much, and I knew the show was going in a different direction. But I haven't heard bad things about it like for these other shows, so I assume they did a good job?
Yeah, part of the problem for fans was that part of the slogan for BSG was "...and they have a plan". So when it became clear that no one had a "plan" for the plot arc, including the showrunners was quite a disappointment.
Is Whedon involved in this comic series? I mean, I guess they'd still have his creative fingerprints all over them regardless...
"Andor" refers to Cassian Andor, the team leader in Rogue One. It's his origin story, basically
Eh, 2010s ain't got nothin' on the 1980s in that regard. Every movie had a sex scene, and most of them had boobs. Even serious actresses were expected to go topless just for fans' cheap thrills