Android is a dead end for FOSS in the future, but moving from one corporate owned semi-proprietary OS to another doesn't solve anything.
The bootloader of your phone (if locked) is one of the most secure parts. It's very hard to get into a modern phones bootloader. In contrast, finding an exploit in a running phone is a lot more feasible.
If a vulnerability was abused to get into your running phone, it will persist until the phone reboots, and the bootloader verifies the core parts of the operating system at startup. In order to persist past a reboot, malware like that would need a vulnerability in the bootloader, or a bypass for its integrity checks.
Alongside that, any background services ("daemons") that got stuck or became slow over time are forced to restart. Operating system updates can be applied, and working memory is cleared.
In general, it's just good advice to just reboot your phone once in a while. There's no harm in doing so.
It really depends how the release turns out. Eye tracking is often used in social VR games like VRChat, and it can help increase peformance, but that often requires setup. The other "features" are not standard or completely lacking in PC VR, like "headset feedback" or adaptive triggers. These wouldn't be used in any games even if the hardware/software was capable of it.
Compared to the Valve Index, the PSVR2 has a higher screen resolution, OLED, no finger tracking (different controllers), and inside-out tracking instead of base station tracking. It looks like a really good option, at a really good price (compared to other "consumer" PC VR headets like the Index). From what I can tell, you're not really "missing" any major hardware features when using PSVR2 on a PC compared to an Index (depends on implementation, will be obvious at release). Although the lack of eye tracking when the hardware is capable is kind of a bummer.
Wait this one out for initial reviews, but if those are good, the PSVR2 seems like a very good option for PC VR (Although only "casual", like playing games, social vr, etc. compared to "competitive" like very high level play at Beat Saber, shooters, etc).
Do note that this is just looking at PC VR exclusive headsets. "Standalone" headsets like the Meta Quest lineup offer similar VR hardware specs at a similar or lower cost. These come with the downside of having to "stream" from a PC rather than using raw display output (for games not natively supported on the headset). The privacy aspect of standalone headsets needs to be considered too. Most run a version of Android, which comes with just as much (or more) telemetry as an average Android smartphone.
As for being tethered, you get used to it pretty quickly. The main problem is that the cable is being used, and will break after some time. They are often expensive to replace, like on the Index. With standalone headsets, the cable is often USB-C and a lot cheaper to replace. I don't know how replacement cables for the PSVR2 are handled.
Do NOT click the link. Instead, go to yourself, go to your account settings, and "check activity". If there's anything suspicious (like an attempted login from another country), reset password and ensure 2FA is enabled. Otherwise, you can safely ignore/delete the email. (But still enable 2FA for better protection)
Surprising that Boneworks wasn't mentioned. The whole game is physics based puzzles, meaning you can either solve them, or stack a couple boxes and jump really high. These types of solutions are encouraged in the game, and there's a couple puzzles I've never even solved because the walls were too low.
Afaik the bug was never present in a release. The developer who quit had to jump through a bunch of hoops, and treat it as a security issue, when it only affected people running the latest git commit.
Nvidia does not make x86 SoCs. Even if Valve goes with a separate Nvidia dGPU like in laptops, they would have to abandon their last 10+ years of Linux work, and goals of having a platform which isn't controlled by Microsoft.
Switch uses the Nvidia Tegra X1
KDE Connect, and if needed,
I don't have a direct source other than the source code of the software they use:
When using one of their "cloud hosted" bridges, the bridge software (that connects between Matrix/Beeper and other protocols) has to read all message content. Otherwise, it's impossible to bridge to another protocol. E2EE becomes end (other users) to bridge (beeper) encryption.
With "local hosted" bridges, E2EE stays intact, but messages can't be sent/received if the device hosting the bridge is unavailable.
In the future, with MLS (a different E2EE protocol), it could be possible to keep E2EE even when bridging to Matrix on cloud hosted bridges.
The linux binary is being used.
Try Proton. Currently, Proton is much more developed than the Linux support for many game engines.
Steam Link doesn't work on Linux. SteamVR, ALVR, WiVRN, and Monado work under Linux.There's more headsets than the Quest.