i know why rust is popular but may i ask what you like about kotlin?
Google Authenticator alternatives
Aegis is missing from this list and imo it's the best OTP app on android. the list is also missing Tofu on iOS
when it comes to email, has anyone here used CTemplar?
good piece with a lot of important things to think about. thank you for sharing.
i think RedReader which is a reddit client available on GooglePlay and on F-Droid handles this issue in a really great way. You can add multiple accounts to the app and switching between them is fast and easy--no logging out and in involved. You can also browse anonymously.
The reason I think it handles this issue so well, however, is that when you make a new post or comment, you can choose right then and there which account you want it to come from. so if you are logged into your meme account but see a post in r/science, you can easily comment from your professional account. Also, unlike any other reddit app i have encountered, you have the option to force all traffic through Tor (via Orbot); if your Tor connection is interrupted, the app does not default to the clearnet.
more approachable than StackOverflow
anything is more approachable
i think it's not likely to come up in most popular music but i have heard hip-hop lyrics that reference it
someone pointed out that any movies/tv that take place in the "present" now take place in alternate realities where covid-19 never existed
offending households' use could then be examined. if it is found to be excessive, reasonable limits could be placed. limits could be things like the household only gets 15 dryer cycles a month but can still use the washer without limit and hang dry.
if things are pooled, there will always be people who use less and people who use more. perhaps incentives could be given to those who use less water than average.
anecdotally: i know of people who have "free" (technically negative cost) energy (the energy companies approached them to install solar panels on their roofs to help put more energy into the grid). their use has not changed.
tired of hearing about american politics
this part is understandable. however, the rest of what you said is incorrect.
everything is political, i wasnt being sarcastic. politics cannot be removed from discussion of this article because they are intrinsically linked.
If you were worried about sending your kids back to school after the pandemic ends
why are people concerned about sending their kids back to school? are they concerned about their health because of the way the government handled the pandemic? are they concerned about how their child will be educated? are they concerned about if they child has fallen behind? all of this has to do with politics. education decisions are largely made by governments, and in the US, the government is legally responsible for ensuring children have access to education
some US school districts are buying tools designed to break into phones to download texts and photos… even ones that have been deleted.
why would schools be doing this? just because? do we all live in a vacuum where nothing relates to anything else so they are just doing this completely randomly, void of any influencing factors?
Commenting on the devices, Cooper Quintin of the Electronic Frontier Foundation says that they “started out in the provenance of the U.S. military or federal law enforcement, and then made their way into state and local law enforcement, and also eventually make their way into the hands of criminals or petty tyrants like school administrators.”
the US military, federal law enforcement, local law enforcement.. hmmm.. sounds... political
Unlike in law enforcement, though, school districts don’t have to get a warrant to use the devices on students’ phones.
hmm.. school districts don't have to get a warrant. this sounds like it could be ~political~. let's find out:
The Supreme Court ruled that school officials only need to reasonably believe that a student is guilty of something and that searching the phone will probably obtain evidence of it.
oh, would you look at that. it is!
i would say governing use is difficult to do because different households have different needs. a two-bedroom apartment housing 5 people will need more electricity than a two-bedroom with 2 occupants. they will also need more water. but you can't govern by number of occupants either: 3 healthy adults may need less than 2 healthy adults and 1 disabled child.
i think education on energy use, better renewable energy sources, and forbidding people from doing things like mining cryptocurrency in their home would help regulate individual energy use without being restrictive.
as a whole though, it is important to remember that it is industry that is so wasteful. energy needs to be looked at on a global level because the amount of strain on the environment by an individual is completely insignificant in comparison.
the reality is everything is political
the same way i use energy now, though my life would actually be way more comfortable. free energy wouldn't make me more wasteful but it would let me turn on the heat more often.
the last point about bitcoin not being "real" money is so true. the most important thing to come out of cryptocurrency development is really the use of blockchain
i take exception to this comment. signal is an app that changes based on what moxie (and signal foundation) wants, not necessarily what the community does