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[–] [email protected] 14 points 21 hours ago (1 children)

How many people comply without being physically forced is what determines how much power he truly has.

That’s why the reduction of protections for federal employees was so important to implementing this phase. A lot of people have already been fired or reassigned which makes it really difficult for them to “do” anything.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 22 hours ago

Right on. I was just outlining how they’d probably make it personal against the teachers.

[–] [email protected] 21 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago) (6 children)

It works like this:

  • Teach at a public school
  • That school receives funding directly or indirectly from federal programs under the executive branch, including the Department of Education
  • DEI support disqualifies institutions from receiving Federal funds
  • Supporting DEI and trans rights while receiving Federal funds counts as defrauding the US government
  • DOJ takes up the case

While EOs are not laws, they have the potential to do massive amounts of damage because most of the government runs on agencies under control of the Executive. And while universities and public schools are not federal, they receive shit tons of funds through grants, contracts, and subsidies from a wide array of federal agencies (see: academic panic at the NSF and NIH halting grant review and funding as a result of Trump’s recent orders).

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

Well, true. I wasn’t exactly implying that Trump was reading a history book and learned all about McKinley. More like he said, “we should be strong and take land that we want and undo everything Obama and Biden did and tax our enemies and have gold everything,” and someone replied, “oh, sounds like McKinley.” To which Trump replies, “Obama renamed a great president?”

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 days ago (3 children)

You’re probably right about it just being petty, but…

President McKinley also annexed territory (Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines, Cuba, etc.), implemented insane tariffs, and pushed to keep the US on the gold standard.

Looks like Jackson isn’t the only president that Trump idolizes.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

Sounds plausible. The quote I always use is “LIIIINE!” from the dinner table scene where the camera jumps back and forth between them but they don’t speak for like 5 minutes.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Is this enshittification or the convergence of objects into the same design due to regulation/demand/function/etc. (I’m sure there’s a name for this but I can’t recall it)?

Cell phones are certainly enshittified with planned obsolescence or incompatible text messaging protocols or ‘walled gardens’, but what else should a cell phone be besides a cellular networked pocket computer with a camera?

What features (besides a dedicated headphone jack) is missing from a modern cell phone that your old one had?

[–] [email protected] 17 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

It’s too bad that unconditional discharge doesn’t mean gonorrhea for life.

I get why the judge is pursuing this strategy, but it’s a shame that even trying to get a guilty verdict without punishment to stick is being met with pushback from the Trump legal team.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 weeks ago

Baudrillard’s notion of hyperreality comes to mind.

Hyperreality is the inability of consciousness to distinguish reality from a simulation of reality.

However, after thinking up some doom and gloom shit about the future, I reversed course: Why speculate about future kids when most of us grew up with a manipulative media diet? Saturday morning cartoons were wildly manipulative, the emergence of social media damaged a lot of people’s expectation of reality, and the last three election cycles in the US were heavily impacted by the ability of certain populists to generate memes.

AI will speed up the content generation process and introduce some absurd elements like six-fingered watch models, but I don’t think it will be more manipulative than media already is, just weirder and faster.

My ultimately positive forecast: the kids of the future will create their own networked spaces outside of the mainstream internet and just continue on with their lives ignoring what doesn’t interest them and seeking out what does. Regardless, we’ll never understand it anyway.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago

Yeah, this phrase specifically deals with the incarnation of Christ and it’s typically capitalized in English as “the Word.”

[–] [email protected] 25 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (5 children)

The Latin translates to “the word became flesh,” which is pretty damn metal to put on a sword used for decapitation.

Edit: I just noticed that the inscription reads et verbum caro facum est instead of et verbum caro factum est. Not sure if this was a mistake or abbreviation, but I think the actual inscription would read “the word burns flesh”?

I’m basically Brian from the Latin lesson scene in the Life of Brian, so if anyone has an actual grasp of Latin grammar, please correct me.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago (4 children)

Mainly because they are members of the class of people that will benefit, directly and indirectly, from a Trump presidency.

Knowing this, they aren’t stupid for voting for the person who will enable the gross accumulation of wealth through the systematic deregulation of industries and privatization of government services. There’s one group of people who will benefit from this: the wealthy (who are disproportionately white and male).

The idiots are people who voted for Trump thinking that his administration will result in a net positive for them socially and economically.

Voting against your interests is dumb; voting inline with your interests is not.

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