I think something people are missing when thinking less work overall will happen is that this gives opportunities for new job openings for at least part time (if not just more full time position) people to fill in the gaps, or the people already working will just get paid much better. Both are wins imo
Man I really love milk. I used to really crave it, until I was diagnosed with a vitamin d deficiency some years back and started taking it daily, then realized my body was actually craving the vitamin d added to milk. I can tell when I need to start taking the vitamin d because the milk cravings will resume if I'm low
I typically feel like people like this aren't dumb, they're just so incredibly distrustful of authority figures like teachers or scientists or the government that on some level they reject reality and when videos "kinda make sense" or "have some points" about shit we all know is fake, it gives them the ability to choose what they think is correct and because they're already rejecting what they're being told is real by people they don't trust it's really easy to let conspiracies fill in the gap of how it works
My only real gripe with discord (off the top of my head anyway) is that why tf when the "new" button pops up does it just scroll down the server list instead of just actually taking me to the server and the post causing the notification
It doesn't even actually ever go to the right spot on the server list it just goes way down and then I have to usually go back up to get to it
So this is kind of a breakdown of how it works. My 3 credit scores are all in the 800s, I only have one pay fee card and we're likely canceling it soon as we've got other cards that have better cash back deals. Here are a number of things that affect your score:
Using your cards, but not having a big balance on them monthly (we pay ours off, if not completely then the statement balance to avoid interest, but typically we pay them completely if we can)
Not missing any payments (haven't missed a payment in the 12ish years we've had cards)
Not having derogatory marks (credit dings from stuff like not paying debts or repossessions of cars or that sort of thing would hit hard)
Any temporary hits like applying for a new line of credit (cards, loans, mortgages)
Average age of credit (older lines help a lot, it hurts less to close a newer card than an older one)
Number of accounts, they want you to have a lot, over 12 I think is where it really positively impacts your score, and it can hurt you to only have a few
Anyway it's a complex system that's annoying and can be difficult to understand
I'm 39 but I had to pay for a new copy of my birth certificate in my 20s because mine was literally falling apart due to just being old and folded up and printed on weird paper and the seal was messed up so the dmv wouldn't take it
I got it from my mom like that :x