Very cool, thanks for sharing! I did not get a chance to read the whole thing yet but a skim+your comments make me excited. How do you think your system compares to others out there? I'm always looking for a great Pokémon ttrpg to actually get to the table!
I can relate. Our group's all time favorite NPC is literally named TBD 😅
For tokens on the VTT I use: . I'm still experimenting with music but my group usually just throws on a random YouTube playlist.
Agreed, things like the Summoner's Eidolon also come to mind. As OP said, I imagine you could also find a group and adventure, potentially homebrewed, who just wanted to do an investigation/exploration and avoid fights but that is not bog standard Pathfinder and if that's your jam a different system focused on that style of play might be better. But back to your original question, I think it'd be tough as you need to do something in combat.
Like everyone else, I can't recommend Pathbuilder 2e enough! I even paid for it although the basic version does almost everything (with ads). The only bummer is that the app and web version are separate purchase.
Good catch! I've been playing a Monk for most of 2e and stuck with 3.5/1e for a while before that so I'm still learning everything.
Some other classics I love that I haven't seen recommended yet:
- Power Grid
- Ticket to Ride
- Puerto Rico
- Agricola
- Viticulture
I agree with pretty much everyone else too! There are a ton of great boardgames to explore and starting with Catan and a regular group is a great place to be in.
Just realized that Bards are actually three-quarters casters since they only get 3 spells per spell level (others normally get 4) and that Psychics are half-casters (2/4).
I'd also throw out Bard, Sorcerer, and Witch then if you're interested in the Occult list. I really enjoyed my 1e Witch but I think the 2e version may need work according to random Internet comments... You could also try the Psychic but I know waybless there. Also, TIL basically all casters are full casters.
I always scan over the appropriate RPG Bot guide. I loved the 3.5/1e and 2e are good for some basic insights. I think they are all linked in the Zenith thread.
AoN is Archives of Nethys, the official Pathfinder SRD (1e and 2e), which you can find at: (also linked elsewhere).
I like combining Athletics action (Trip, Shove, etc) with Assurance on low(er) level enemies.