That's a good point.
That's true, but according to the Dev Google is cracking down on devs having two versions of an app (i.e. a basic ad-supported version and a pro ad-free version) and I believe if you want an app on the Google store it has to have to ad code in it. That last part I'm not sure if that only applies to apps that will have ads in them.
Connect for Lemmy was pretty good but Sync for Lemmy feels like home.
I don't really know how Lemmy chains work, but are you able to see comments from a user that's on a server that the server you're on isn't federated with?
Like say you are on and Other guy is on beehaw and those two are not federated with each other, can you see his comments? Can you interact with him at all?
It's an Android app for browsing Lemmy, from the developer of very well-loved app for browsing Reddit.
Post-2000? I'd have to say probably Reign of Fire... or Bad Boys II. All time? The Man in the Iron Mask.
Does the total time seeded mean how much combined time you've spent connecting to other people and uploading to them? Because that works out to about 1,000 years.
You know, I can understand not needing to scrub if you live somewhere where you don't really sweat or it's not humid enough that dirt just sticks to you because you exist, but that's not me and the thought of someone just wiping themselves with soap makes me feel icky. I need a shower.
If it's not too long thereisnopasswordalllowercasenospaces would be funny too.
Fried rice.
Man I hope this cat's name is Vincent.
I feel like not having any underwear may be outside of the norm but I don't think it's super weird. Maybe just regular weird.