Your actions read like a psyop to me.
joined 6 months ago
Tin can pull tabs: Do you shred your fingers to open them or do you use a spoon like a sensible person?
People with long hair, Have you just accepted having your hair hitchhike on your food into your mouth?
People with long hair, Have you just accepted having your hair hitchhike on your food into your mouth?
People with long hair, Have you just accepted having your hair hitchhike on your food into your mouth?
People with long hair, Have you just accepted having your hair hitchhike on your food into your mouth?
Here is what happens in a step by step process.
- I push my hair behind my ears (out of the way)
- I tilt head down to choose something to eat
- I select an item to eat.
- I raise the item up.
- At about this time, my hair has pulled itself free by sheer tensile force alone.
- Hair flops onto the edges of my mouth.
- Food item enters my mouth, hair latching on.
- I now have hair in my mouth.
This is what my wavy thick hair does everyday, every meal, every time.
it seems that freighter trips no longer have official things because of covid.
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It didn't do anything from what I recall.
I believe it was quickly dissolved after they found that the leadership was in direct communication with USA agents.
Plus I recall there was general dissatisfaction from civilians who found the protestors to be a nuisance.
There is no opinion here, just what recall from the event history.