Thank you. I also notice that the trinkets can now be alchemized (for 5 energy). If I recall correctly, the trinkets from 2.4.2 could not be alchemized (maybe I am misremembering). Is it intended for the trinkets to be alchemizable now?
Thank you. I see that you released v2.5.2 on github. But I do not see a dev update for this sublemmy about it. As someone who is a little paranoid, I want to ask if v2.5.2 is a legitimate update from you on github and not some hacker who got into your github account. The fact that you have an update from 2.5.1 on lemmy but not a lemmy post from 2.5.2 makes me slightly suspicious. Thank you.
so I completed a run with duelist - champion by putting 15 scrolls of upgrade into plate armor. the evil eyes and stuff can still hurt me, but the strategy seems OP. I am surprised that there is not an upgrade cap of, say, +10 on armor in order to nerf the strategy.
thank you
thank you
thank you
thank you!
thanks for the suggestions!
I have not tried warlock yet. Thank you for your input.
okay, thank you