The dry-herb vaping communities haven't really transitioned very well, and I'm too lazy to get back into proper community building and moderation after having all my accounts permabanned on reddit. For now I am just sticking to the 420vapezone discord.
Unfortunately there are too many "open-minded" and "open-minded"-adjacent people who have huge blindspots to their own hypocrisy and philosophical paradoxes. I've met so many IRL and net-folk who are lefty "activists" who are huge fucking racists and douchebag misogynists. Extinction Rebellion for example is full of them. I get a bad taste in my mouth whenever I remember certain interactions with them.
I keep trying all of them but keep coming back to Jerboa. It uses it's screen space most efficiently (even with all the customisations of the others) and for me seems to work the best.
Edit: Connect is probably the next best one I've tried on Android (and potentially better functioning than Jerboa), but the font is too bold however small I make it.
A guess based on experience with similar toned poster's across social media. Don't pretend a majority of dudes talking like that aren't just out for some sort of women-hating catharsis. Weeding them out isn't my job, it's the poster's to be aware of the reality of online human rights discussion before all-lives'ing their point of view. However annoyed my tone was their initial post was also in bad faith.
- Good, Mods, good. Kill him. Kill him now.
- ...I shouldn't.
- Dew it.
I agree that my tone was off, and for that I apologise. I assumed a bad faith argument based on what feels like an endless string of self-proclaimed men's rights warriors, brought up with a warped sense of equality, people who can't seem to wrap their heads around the collosal gap in the size of the problem that women face and try to equivocate to distract from that, so they can "have their say". Your initial comment still reeks of that type of mentality however I look at it. The problem the article points to is overwhelmingly more important for women's health, according to 90% of reported rape cases are against women. Saying "what about men!" every time rape is mentioned without acknowledging this gap seems disingenuous. I will also add this edit to my initial comment. I hope this logic may help you understand why what you said was perceived as problematic.
Nobody says there aren't.
My view was with regards to the intent behind the initial comment. As the person I replied to asked.
False equivalence of men's and women's rights, plus a bunch of male incels screaming for equality. That comment screams All Lives Matter logic to me.
That makes a lot of sense. I guess it's always a matter of education in the home and otherwise. Critical thinking and self-analysis seem to be difficult to engender when there's a culture of accepted vertical hierarchy. I don't think it's wrong to say capitalist philosophical leanings create emotionally and philiosophically lazy individuals. The true laziness is always in the opposite direction of the espoused morals of work culture.