So you're a vegan, then?
Or do you only think ownership is wrong when it's consented to?
So you're a vegan, then?
Or do you only think ownership is wrong when it's consented to?
Nobody deserves to be put in prison for allegedly killing CEOs, whether they did it or not.
"You stand accused of saving the lives of sick puppies with cancer. The penalty is death. How do you plead?"
using alts to back you up, and flooding someone’s DMs with porn and making communities to harass them
None of that is true
constant shit-stirring
70% of the arguments drag has are people choosing to get mad about pronouns. 25% are rehashing previous drama. 5% are actual genuine conflicts. So drag assumed you were 70% transphobic and 5% genuine, just like the drama you point to.
That's really weird. The trans community on Lemmy doesn't think neopronouns are trolling. You can see so at that link. It's only you and other cis people who think so. How come you think you know better than trans people about trans issues. Isn't that arrogant?
Drag would like to make one distinction relevant to your comment. Marxist-Leninists aren't Marxists. They have many points of disagreement. Most notably, Marxists believe in a worldwide revolution, while MLs believe in communism in one country. Drag has no problem with Marxists. Only with MLs.
Marxism-Leninism was created by Stalin. Drag thinks he did a bad job interpreting Marx's ideas. Drag only has a problem with Stalinists. Drag is a communist. Drag gets along with syndicalists, mutualists, demsocs, soulists, even georgists. Drag can name many variants of communism drag has no problem with. Drag has a problem with Stalinists.
and possibly even cause some trauma down the line.
Oh, it's not down the line. Right now you can go read drag having a mental breakdown -
It’s not reasonable to expect communist countries to get social issues right on the first try and attach their failure to do so to their economic organization.
Drag doesn't attach it to their economics. Drag attaches it to their beaurocracy. The USSR put too much power in the hands of the government. Anarchists wouldn't have made being gay illegal. Drag's complaint with tankies isn't about economics, it's about big vs small government.
It also seems to drag that even neoliberals have managed a tiny amount of personal growth over the last hundred years. Nutomic hasn't. He's a dinosaur. Drag sees a trend that marxist-leninists haven't changed much in the last 50 years. The way they defend modern Russia, sometimes it feels like they haven't noticed the Berlin Wall fell. We need a communist theory for the 21st century, not the 19th.
Ada is a user, and therefore can't see comments left by people who are banned from Drag's friend made sure everyone knows.
This is the second in command of
The Soviet Union made being gay illegal. Marxism-Leninism has a very long history of calling queerness "bourgeois decadence". Some tankies choose to follow in the footsteps of that history. Others just ignore it and pretend it was excusable. Tankies aren't allies.
Also, for what it's worth, I have seen enough people with non-normative gender identities to trust that OP is not, in fact, a drag alt.
This is fake news. Nonbinary people don't exist, which means everyone who claims to be nonbinary must be the same troll. Plus, Newbuild says bot's drag's friend, and that's obviously a lie, because everyone knows queer people have no friends!
Biiiiiiig /s
Linux is great
Is this promoting suicide? She's probably going to die if she joins the war in Spain. Should we cancel Existential Comics for promoting suicide?