
joined 5 months ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (5 children)

So you're a vegan, then?

Or do you only think ownership is wrong when it's consented to?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

Nobody deserves to be put in prison for allegedly killing CEOs, whether they did it or not.

"You stand accused of saving the lives of sick puppies with cancer. The penalty is death. How do you plead?"

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 weeks ago

using alts to back you up, and flooding someone’s DMs with porn and making communities to harass them

None of that is true

constant shit-stirring

70% of the arguments drag has are people choosing to get mad about pronouns. 25% are rehashing previous drama. 5% are actual genuine conflicts. So drag assumed you were 70% transphobic and 5% genuine, just like the drama you point to.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

That's really weird. The trans community on Lemmy doesn't think neopronouns are trolling. You can see so at that link. It's only you and other cis people who think so. How come you think you know better than trans people about trans issues. Isn't that arrogant?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 weeks ago

Drag would like to make one distinction relevant to your comment. Marxist-Leninists aren't Marxists. They have many points of disagreement. Most notably, Marxists believe in a worldwide revolution, while MLs believe in communism in one country. Drag has no problem with Marxists. Only with MLs.

Marxism-Leninism was created by Stalin. Drag thinks he did a bad job interpreting Marx's ideas. Drag only has a problem with Stalinists. Drag is a communist. Drag gets along with syndicalists, mutualists, demsocs, soulists, even georgists. Drag can name many variants of communism drag has no problem with. Drag has a problem with Stalinists.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

and possibly even cause some trauma down the line.

Oh, it's not down the line. Right now you can go read drag having a mental breakdown - https://lemmy.world/post/24516643

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

It’s not reasonable to expect communist countries to get social issues right on the first try and attach their failure to do so to their economic organization.

Drag doesn't attach it to their economics. Drag attaches it to their beaurocracy. The USSR put too much power in the hands of the government. Anarchists wouldn't have made being gay illegal. Drag's complaint with tankies isn't about economics, it's about big vs small government.

It also seems to drag that even neoliberals have managed a tiny amount of personal growth over the last hundred years. Nutomic hasn't. He's a dinosaur. Drag sees a trend that marxist-leninists haven't changed much in the last 50 years. The way they defend modern Russia, sometimes it feels like they haven't noticed the Berlin Wall fell. We need a communist theory for the 21st century, not the 19th.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Ada is a lemmy.blahaj.zone user, and therefore can't see comments left by people who are banned from lemmy.blahaj.zone. Drag's friend made sure everyone knows.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 weeks ago (7 children)

This is the second in command of lemmy.ml:

The Soviet Union made being gay illegal. Marxism-Leninism has a very long history of calling queerness "bourgeois decadence". Some tankies choose to follow in the footsteps of that history. Others just ignore it and pretend it was excusable. Tankies aren't allies.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 3 weeks ago

Also, for what it's worth, I have seen enough people with non-normative gender identities to trust that OP is not, in fact, a drag alt.

This is fake news. Nonbinary people don't exist, which means everyone who claims to be nonbinary must be the same troll. Plus, Newbuild says bot's drag's friend, and that's obviously a lie, because everyone knows queer people have no friends!

Biiiiiiig /s

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

Linux is great


Drag and drag’s friends have all been listening to a new podcast lately. One of drag’s friends is an iPhone user, and bot only just got around to listening to episode 1 of the podcast today. Except… bot didn’t.

Drag sent thing a link to the podcast on Spotify, which drag and the rest of us use, but bot decided to use Apple Podcasts instead. Bot told the show to play from oldest to newest. So naturally, Apple decided to start on Season 7 Episode 1, and cover the season indicator with an ad, so bot thought bot was on season 1.

This is atrocious. What kind of app covers its own important information with ads? Bot’s been given a bunch of spoilers and had no way of knowing, except for the fact bot should have known not to trust Apple.

Drag hopes that nobody ever uses that terrible app again. Drag was looking forward to vicariously experiencing the early episodes through thing and talking about the show with ALL of drag’s friends. Now it looks like that might not happen. Drag’s furious.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Drag and drag's friends have all been listening to a new podcast lately. One of drag's friends is an iPhone user, and bot only just got around to listening to episode 1 of the podcast today. Except.. bot didn't.

Drag sent thing a link to the podcast on Spotify, which drag and the rest of us use, but bot decided to use Apple Podcasts instead. Bot told the show to play from oldest to newest. So naturally, Apple decided to start on Season 7 Episode 1, and cover the season indicator with an ad, so bot thought bot was on season 1.

This is atrocious. What kind of app covers its own important information with ads? Bot's been given a bunch of spoilers and had no way of knowing, except for the fact bot should have known not to trust Apple.

Drag hopes that nobody ever uses that terrible app again. Drag was looking forward to vicariously experiencing the early episodes through thing and talking about the show with ALL of drag's friends. Now it looks like that might not happen. Drag's furious.


Drag is worried this post may break rule 1 about being involved in drama. But drag was not involved in this issue before drag decided to investigate it and to conduct an experiment to determine the actual situation. Drag would like to publish the results of this "investigative journalism", and doesn't believe this is covered by the intention of rule 1, but drag may be wrong.


The issue of censoring discussion about Luigi Mangione and the CEO shooter has been controversial across the whole internet, not just the Fediverse. Reddit banned its Luigi Mangione community. Many people on lemmy.world have raised concerns that Dutch law would prevent people from praising the CEO shooter, as this is "inciting violence". Lemmy.world is run according to Dutch law.

Over several days, drag found a LOT of contradictory information about Dutch law and incitement to violence. Some of the articles quoted from the Dutch Criminal code were non-applicable, non-obvious in their application, or entirely unclear when drag read them dragself.

After a day or so of reading the DCC and discussing it with other Lemmy users, Article 131 emerged as the best candidate for applicability to the Mangione situation.

  1. Any person who in public, either verbally or in writing or through images, incites another or others to commit any criminal offence or act of violence against the authorities, shall be liable to a term of imprisonment not exceeding five years or a fine of the fourth category.
  2. If the criminal offence incited is a terrorist offence or is a serious offence for the preparation or facilitation of a terrorist offence, the term of imprisonment prescribed for the offence defined in subsection (1) shall be increased by one third.

What is very difficult about this article is that "against the authorities" is ambiguous in whether it applies to the first part, inciting, or just to actually doing violence, the second part of that sentence. Drag analysed the original Dutch and as far as drag can tell, it's no clearer in the native language. Drag chose to hypothesise that article 131 applies to inciting crime against anyone, and tested this hypothesis.


Given the fears of some people that the broader interpretation applied, drag created a community, [email protected], to document violations of the more broad interpretation of the law on lemmy.world. Drag made four posts: about inciting shoplifting, about inciting assassination of government officials, about inciting eating hot dogs in North Korea (this is reportedly illegal), and about inciting shooting CEOs. This is a variety of levels of seriousness and a variety of levels of applicability to Dutch law.


The community was locked and made modless by the admins and none of the linked posts were removed.


Despite worry from users on lemmy.world that the platform must remove article 131 violations (opruiing) in order to continue to operate, the admins did not seem to share this worry. Calls for violence against CEOs and politicians were made visible to the lemmy.world admins and were not removed.

The admins don't care about opruiing. It's not an issue they care to moderate. In fact, they categorised identification of opruiing as "trolling", or in other words divisive and contrary to lemmy.world's aims.


There has been concern that praise of Mangione and the CEO shooter would not be allowed on lemmy.world. This experiment revealed those fears are unnecessary. Users can call for the assassination of CEOs on lemmy.world as much as they like.

Drag hopes this experiment will clear up the drama over whether Luigi praise is allowed on lemmy.world by providing useful information. And again, though most of this post is in a first person perspective, drag was making an active choice not to participate in the drama by adopting a neutral stance on the morality of Luigi praise until the experiment was over. So drag hopes very much that this post follows the intended spirit of the rules.


Drag was banned from a community on lemmy.blahaj.zone, and then unbanned. The unban is clearly visible on the lemmy.blahaj.zone modlog and its local ID is 27459. However, the unban has not federated over to lemmy.nz. Drag has tried calling get_modlog, but that doesn't appear to trigger a federation request, so lemmy.nz can't see the modlog entry. Drag tried to use resolve_object, but couldn't figure out the query syntax from reading the API documentation or the Lemmy source code. And the source code seemed to suggest resolve_object only works on users and communities anyway.

Right now, drag can't post to the community because lemmy.nz won't let drag, even though blahaj.zone would be happy to accept the post. Drag wants lemmy.nz to see the modlog object and recognise the unban.


Dutch actor and climate activist Sieger Sloot took to social media, as he typically does, to encourage people to join a protest planned in The Hague in January.

But what Sloot thought was an innocent attempt to organise a non-violent demonstration to demand action to tackle the burgeoning climate emergency led to an eight-month ordeal resulting in a sedition conviction.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A screenshot from Back To The Future. Doc has Marty and his girlfriend in the car, and is saying "GUI? Where we're going, we don't need GUI!"

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