I read things on here, so I guess I can’t be that picky.
Why did reading that sentence damage my brain?
Umm, using “natural products” to deter pests means you are using pesticides.
Old man yells at cloud.
Old man yells at cloud.
That’s pretty good. Doesn’t have the rapping of Die Antword, but definitely a very similar rave vibe.
I’ll have to check out more.
Anything with, about, or referencing River Song moves to the bottom of any favourites or best of list.
I think it could be considered cruel and unusual to force asylum seekers to live in Kanata.
The NIMBY is strong in Kanata.
2fa does not provide any protection for this. This wasn't a hack or compromise of an account. It was the personal information of their supporters put up on the public web available to anyone and everyone.
As a Network and System Administrator in the healthcare field I am taken aback by what appears to be FVC's laze-fair response.
Note that although my information was a part of this, this doesn't really affect myself. The information published is already publicly available in a number of places online. I have also publicly stated my support for the work of Fair Vote Canada. But that is privileges I enjoy. There are many people for whom having this information leaked would be problematic and potentially dangerous.
Agreed, if they don’t know who they should contact, they can just check the dark web.
100% agree. The quality of Canadian news is at an all time low, and now we get to talk about the hat worn by wife of the orange Mussolini.
I don't have cable, but when I went to my father's house he had it on whatever the CTV new channel is, and the coverage was just as dreadful.