Can you post it somewhere that isn't catbox? They block random people from their domain.
They will see a long string of base64 that takes a quarter of a second longer to load then a regular page. If it's important to you, you can make the base64 string invisible and add some HTML to make it appear as a normal 404 page.
Critics debating Nepenthes' utility on Hacker News suggested that most AI crawlers could easily avoid tarpits like Nepenthes, with one commenter describing the attack as being "very crawler 101." Aaron said that was his "favorite comment" because if tarpits are considered elementary attacks, he has "2 million lines of access log that show that Google didn't graduate."
You assume incorrectly that bots, scrapers and drive-by malware attacks are made by competent people. I have years worth of stories I'm not going to post on the open internet that says otherwise. I also have months worth of access logs that say otherwise. AhrefsBot in particular is completely unable to deal with anything you throw at it. It spent weeks in a tarpit I made very similar to the one in the article, looping links, until I finally put it out of its misery.
idk what to tell you.
ls -lha
-rw-rw-r-- 1 www-data www-data 14M Jan 14 23:05 error-hole.php
I use Apache2 and PHP, here's what I did:
in .htaccess you can set ErrorDocument 404 /error-hole.php
in error-hole.php,
<p>*paste a string that is 13 megabytes long*</p>
For the string, I used dd
to generate 13 MBs of noise from /dev/urandom
and then I converted that to base64 so it would paste into error-hole.php
You should probably hide some invisible dead links around your website as honeypots for the bots that normal users can't see.
I can save you a lot of trouble, actually. You don't need all of this!
Just make a custom 404 page that returns 13 MBs of junk along with status code 200 and has a few dead links (404, so it just goes to itself)
There are no bots on the domain I do this on anymore. From swarming to zero in under a week.
You don't need tar pits or heuristics or anything else fancy. Just make your website so expensive to crawl that it's not worth it so they filter themselves.
Det er ikke første gang jeg har problemer med Cloudflare, så det er nok der den ligger. Det kommer og går, don't worry about it
Der er slet ikke forbindelse. Blokere du IP adresser fra en eller anden database? Cloudflare?
Jeg kan ikke forbinde til den, eller
Baseball cap and sunglasses shields me pretty well, to be honest.
The misunderstanding seems to be between software and hardware. It is good to reboot Windows and some other operating systems because they accumulate errors and quirks. It is not good to powercycle your hardware, though. It increases wear.
I'm not on an OS that needs to be rebooted, I count my uptime in months.
I don't want you to pick up a new anxiety about rebooting your PC, though. Components are built to last, generally speaking. Even if you powercycled your PC 5 times daily you'd most likely upgrade your hardware long before it wears out.