if it remember it correctly it was said in relation to algorithm optimization > code optimization
Ich selber vertrag sie sonst nicht so gut. aber wer da was robuster ist kann da natürlich drauf verzichten
oberschnell, aber vielleicht zu spartanisch: Kichererbsen aus der Dose kurz mit Natron aufkochen, abgießen, Häute entfernen (Erbsen zwischen den Händen reiben), reichlich Salz, Pfeffer, Zitronensaft, Olivenöl.
awesome! thanks the tip!
I'm using vim mode in my bash and i agree that a mode indicator would be nice
German is a bit ambiguous here. we use Fleisch for animal flesh that is eaten as food (meat) but also in the sense of flesh in general.
such mal nach "psychosozialer Beratung" an deiner Uni. die sind meistens sehr nett und haben alles gesehen. Du kannst also sehr frei und vertraulich mit denen reden.
agree. at the same time i wonder whether the usual authentication system is adequate given a) the sensitive nature of the data and b) the data's implications for people who have not signed up, e.g., if my cousin signs up and provides data, the data he provides is not really his but, in a way, also mine. so, i wonder how much data processing is really covered by my cousin's consent, given that it is not really his data alone, and whether, given this circumstances, special provisions should have been provided by the processor.
(personally i tend to believe that companies like 23&me should not exist in the first place, given that their operation requires processing of sensitive data from people who have not consented to the use of their data, i.e. processing of relational data should require consent of all related partners.)
I'm having the same problem. this kind of nested argument is quite annoying to program in e.g. argp. i am even thinking of using a minimal forth like parser to do this.