And you can run it over SSH on servers.
They admitted it back then, too.
Everybody uses computers for different things.
At last, a fellow sysadmin! Nice work.
I was wondering that, too. I've got a pair of GTX 1660 Supers in Leandra running a simulation, and they've been crunching away for nine days now.
Because they're processing data all the time? They're doing work?
My work laptop has been up for 26 days, 17:24. My primary server at home has been online for 42 days, 21:27. Personal laptop - 45 days, 20:51. The primary server of my exocortex has been online and crunching away for 278 days, 19:48.
It probably means that more people are hacking on it and getting their PRs accepted than are working on SquashFS. What constitutes software that is still alive these days is pretty badly skewed toward "if you don't release four x.y.z releases every day your software is dead" these days.
Don't pay for it, get a free account.
When you get right down to it, it's all risk management.