
joined 2 years ago
[–] dukeGR4@monyet.cc 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

just installed/restored all of my social media... tiktok, , instagram etc the lot to celebrate my 10 day leave.

tho when i was redownloading instagram i got an ad from the appstore for an extra-marital dating app lol. wat..

[–] dukeGR4@monyet.cc 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

SS found guilty of corruption. also everytime i see "CBT" i think of sth unholy...

[–] dukeGR4@monyet.cc 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

accused the federal government of not standing up for Islam even after the federal Islamic affairs minister said the Anwar administration’s stand is not to intervene in court cases.

idk what he's expecting the government to do. to destroy the judiciary or what?

[–] dukeGR4@monyet.cc 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

4th as of now, i wonder what happened

[–] dukeGR4@monyet.cc 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

even tho it's a pyramid scheme it's not a scam in the traditional sense. they do offer you classes and stuff, tho they're shit from what i've heard.

but the star of the show is actually their affiliate program and people use it as a side hustle to make money.

[–] dukeGR4@monyet.cc 1 points 1 year ago

i've never forgotten to eat no matter how busy i am. body will run low on glucose and start shaking lol.

[–] dukeGR4@monyet.cc 1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

plural? who else other than the labuan one?

[–] dukeGR4@monyet.cc 1 points 1 year ago

malaysians when they don't agree with sth : BLOCK/CANCEL em!

[–] dukeGR4@monyet.cc 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

a lot of $$ being invested in Malaysia these days, but i do wonder whether these deals are brokered by Anwar administration or it's the effect of money being directed towards SEA as they become wary of that East Asian country.

[–] dukeGR4@monyet.cc 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

read the news of a clinic assistant working in SG getting charged under s 233 of Communications and Multimedia Act 1998.

(1) A person who — (a) by means of any network facilities or network service or applications service knowingly — (i) makes, creates or solicits; and (ii) initiates the transmission of, any comment, request, suggestion or other communication which is obscene, indecent, false, menacing or offensive in character with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass another person; or

(b) initiates a communication using any applications service, whether continuously, repeatedly or otherwise, during which communication may or may not ensue, with or without disclosing his identity and with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any person at any number or electronic address, commits an offence.

be really careful with what you write online about other people and understand the legal risk of abusing or bullying another individual. there's no such thing as absolute freedom of speech on the internet whether you like it or not. On top of this law there's also Criminal Defamation under the Penal Code.


Still, I couldn't get over how the side profile is a direct rip off of E210 Corolla.

It's business as usual for a Chinese car, taking design cues from so many makes. The lights are reminiscent of Cayman, the two tiny bulges are from AMG, and the side profile is from E210 Corolla. The 5-spoke wheels look a bit like Fuchs? at least the proportion is correct.. but the track can be a bit wider


“I repeat that anyone who leaves the party after not being re-nominated in the election is a person who is not sincere and loyal to the party’s cause.

“They only ride the party for rank and position. When there are no more positions, the party is abandoned,” Loke said.


Very interesting, many countries i've seen have timed parking bays and I think it should be more common.

One of the comments mentioned that Uptown is bad but I think Kota Damansara Sunway Nexis/Giza area is even worse...


that colour and back end hnggggggggggg

i'm not too sure about the wheels tbh, they certainly look good but they look like WedsSport TC105X. Nismo LMGT4 Omori Black suits the car more imo.

Family (i.imgur.com)


  • Minister of investment, trade and industry Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Abdul Aziz reiterated that the government has no intention of phasing out the approved permit (AP) system for vehicle imports despite providing a leeway for Tesla.
  • Removing APs will not (only) allow consumers to have access to more products at a more affordable price, but it will also create a competitive push for local producers, forcing them to improve on price and technology
  1. I always order my drinks "kurang gula" (been told it's less sugary than kurang manis), and even then it's still sweet as hell. these days I could go with kurang manis and it would actually come out with barely any sugar...

  2. My theory is that sugar price has gone up, and shops are reluctant to use sugar.

  3. I have also noticed that drinks tend to be less concentrated and they taste a bit more bland. Case in point, my air bandung, teh ais, and teh c peng that i had from different places from the past few days all tasted really weak.

  4. Maybe it's just me but food from many places do not taste as "bomb" and there's a lot less MSG and salt. I really like it tho.

Thoughts? have you guys noticed anything different as of late now that some ingredients have gone up in price due to reduction of subsidies?

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