if you've read the article, it's the government that raided the premise
Have to reduce food intake further… or incorporate a ton of protein lol. I’m too broke for that rn.
meeting my partner's mum tonight for dinner. she's gonna be in town for a month. i saw her a few days ago, before she even said "how are you" she asked "did you gain some weight, i noticed your face is rounder now".
it's the darn meds, i'm doing IF still and my lifestyle is the same, but just getting fatter and fatter :/
still, that's sort of shifting the blame. it's unfortunate that things like that happen but if there were proper containment structures or drainage/engineered slopes it could have been prevented.
There may be existing infrastructure in place? But it only proves that heavy rainfall/climate change could overwhelm what was originally built so the gomen needs to further upgrade these along the way.
Is it the cystic type (painful without head) or the type with head.
Latter is ok, it’s the former that you need to take care of. Some of mine lasted longer than my chicken pox scar. 😅
i hope it's not hormonal type, i have them all over my chin the scars just won't go away.
The one that is most elastic and most difficult to come down is actually cooked and takeaway food,” he was quoted as saying with regard to household spending.
"That’s why we have the dichotomy when it comes to inflation, it looks healthy. It’s about 2 per cent, 2.5 per cent.
He is speaking facts though, like it or not. it's healthier anyway.
So the Gaza hospital being hit by Israel is proven to be fake news. It was not done by an aerial detonation but a misfire of Hamas rocket according to IDF’s aerial and Infrared imageries. US government and independent experts also confirmed it.
There’s no crater to be found on the parking lot, non of the surrounding walls have any sort of damage. The casualty, extent of the damage were all exaggerated and used as propaganda by Hamas.
There’s rumour of hostage exchanges? Israel needs to make a decision whether ~200 Israeli lives + further Palestinian deaths is worth getting rid of Hamas once and for all and preventing further Israeli deaths. This opportunity does not come often tho. Best if they just conduct a special operations and quietly extract the head honchos
ooft, try paracetamol and aspirin. works wonders
but Star Citizen was launched no? most promises delivered also?
idk too much about it, but it looked polished to me (by modern standards)
i think they come from a position of care, our elders have different ways of showing love. So I try not to let them get to me.
so long as you're happy with where you are that's all that matters.