
joined 2 years ago
[–] eezeebee 3 points 11 hours ago

Shepherd's pie

[–] eezeebee 30 points 2 days ago
[–] eezeebee 1 points 2 days ago

Don't forget to complement your outfit with a piece from the Louis Mouton line of premium designer chapeaux. Boldly embody the adventurous spirit of aviation and fearlessness as you turn heads in this sporty and aerodynamic icon of luxury. Be the talk of the town with multi-coloured panels that showcase your unrelenting desire to be accepted in any situation.

[–] eezeebee 8 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I wish you all the best, but make a plan of what you are going to do in case it doesn't work out.

If you broke up could you afford the rent on your own? What about in a few years time? Consider how much rent will increase in your area.

Do you have somewhere else to go back to, family etc?

Edit: to answer the post title, my opinion is wait until you've been together at least 1 year, or whenever you think the "honeymoon phase" is over.

[–] eezeebee 3 points 3 days ago

Livin' in a lonely world

[–] eezeebee 2 points 3 days ago

There is definitely a nostalgia factor, and I was into playing the TCG with the actual cards too, so that helps. It's been a long time so I'm not sure if it would still hold up.

[–] eezeebee 7 points 3 days ago (2 children)

From the main games I have played Red/Blue/Yellow, Gold/Silver, and Emerald. I think they are all pretty close in terms of favourite, but I'll say Blue because it was my first and had a huge impact. I remember battling other people using a link cable at school.

I think those games all have the same problem. The battle system is too slow by today's standards. Random encounters can get annoying (thanks, ZUBAT!). It's not just exclusive to Pokemon. Other series of the time haven't aged as well for the same reasons. Back then it didn't matter though.

Pokemon Stadium deserves an honourable mention. Seeing the Pokemon animated in 3D was amazing at the time. The mini-games and the gameboy pack that connected to the N64 controller were great too.

Pokemon Snap - meh. It was the type of game you play at the demo booth while waiting for your parents to finish shopping.

Pokemon Trading Card Game - the gameboy game and the physical card game were both peak. I feel like the gameboy game was slept on by many, but I loved it.

[–] eezeebee 6 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I think it depends what you mean by "the tune" - The main melody? All tonal elements?

And also what you mean by "lyrics" - the words only, leaving a voice singing notes? Or no vocals at all?

If you can provide an example song and say specifically which parts to remove it will be easier to understand the question.

[–] eezeebee 2 points 3 days ago

Ah ok. I didn't notice if there was an issue when I was a kid playing it - too busy being enamoured with the battle system!

[–] eezeebee 2 points 4 days ago (2 children)

What's wrong with it? I enjoyed playing it on PS2.

[–] eezeebee 36 points 4 days ago (8 children)

-Dark Cloud (1 and 2)

-Time Splitters 2

-Red Faction

-Grandia 2

-ICO and Shadow of the Colossus


-Twisted Metal Black

-Ape Escape (2 and 3)

-Armored Core 2

-Dead or Alive 2

-Gran Turismo 3

-Final Fantasy X

-Grand Theft Auto III / Vice City / San Andreas

-Midnight Club Street Racing

-Soul Calibur 2


Context: I noticed I have some clothes from 10 years ago that are still good to wear, and some newer things I have barely worn yet. I wondered if I reached a point where all the clothes I own would be enough to last for the rest of my life. There is a dresser and a closet worth of things.

For the sake of this question, let's say you can't buy, borrow, steal, receive as a gift, find, or make anything new to wear. All you get is what you have now. Is it enough?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by eezeebee to c/[email protected]

I have an extra key that came with the AGDQ Humble bundle. I love this game and would be happy to share with someone who will enjoy it.

If your Lemmy account is at least 1 month old, comment and tell me what about the game makes you want to play it.


I just think Kazakhstan is neat


Canada has implemented a new tax savings from December to February for some things like taxable groceries, crafts, and gaming physical media. I wanted to get a new Xbox controller and found the best price at Walmart for $55 a week ago. The tax holiday starts today and I now see that the $55 has increased to $62 and change, which is about how much tax I should be saving. Great to see this thinly veiled attempt to help Canadians ( /s - win votes) is just going to be extra profit in the corporations' pockets.

CHVRN - Cold Sun (
submitted 3 months ago by eezeebee to c/witchhouse

Currently I have a 1060GTX 6GB (Evga I think?). It struggled to run Elden Ring but was tolerable for me on medium settings - still it frequently drops from 60fps to 40fps or so, rarely able to stay at an even 60.

Can you suggest a modest upgrade compatible with my build? I'm not obsessed with getting max settings, but something that will work decently for 5 years or so would be nice. I don't have an exact budget in mind, but the absolute maximum I would consider is $400 Canadian (approx $300 USD). Prefer to save some money for performance and keep it around $200-$300 CDN, if possible

Here's my parts list started in 2016 - GPU listed is not the current 1060

Brand new to the game (self.neverwinternights)
submitted 4 months ago by eezeebee to c/[email protected]

I wanted to try this game since I first saw it in the 00s. Finally got it on Steam.

I'm a little overwhelmed with some of the mechanics (dice rolls? I've never played DnD). I chose a cleric half-elf and had a lot of trouble casting "Turn Undead" in the tutorial due to it being greyed out. Eventually it worked, but I don't know why.

So what tips or suggestions do you have for a total newbie?


It started about a week ago. I noticed a sticky feeling on my hands so I washed them (as I do regularly). Unfortunately it wasn't long before the feeling came back. I've started noticing it on everything I frequently touch - mouse/keyboard, Xbox controller, phone, on and on. I tried household cleaner, rubbing alcohol, water/soap on these surfaces and it seems to help for a short while, but it comes back within hours. Just now I gave my phone a good wipe with soapy water and as soon as it dried it feels sticky again.

I'm not sure what else to try or how to get rid of it.

Possible culprits I can guess at: -pollen? the cars around here have been covered in greenish yellow powder which I have seen before, but never experienced this stickyness. I don't use my car / touch the door handles very often.

-some sort of plastic or rubber is degrading, maybe my phone case? It's an Otterbox that's over 6 years old.

-a little weed container I bought around the same time this started, maybe the store had vape juice spilled on it? But I don't touch it often enough to warrant the spread of this profound stickyness.

Any ideas are welcome. It's driving me nuts.

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