Man I miss having a dishwasher. Definitely a requirement for the next place I'm in.
Ah final liberation. I love that game, picked it up on gog a couple of years back and you know it's still fun if incredibly dated.
What's going on with that 3rd rail situation?
+1 for keepass. Been using it for years and love it.
Microsoft is a lot more aggressive with EoLing it's Windows versions now exactly because XP lived so long. It was an absolute pain for them to maintain and support that for so long and they've made very sure they don't repeat that experience.
Ah I love me some Kropotkin. The conquest of bread has long been a persona favourite of mine.
Yup I've got a box in my mum's house that all my off site backups go to and it's a damn site cheaper just to give her some money for the electricity cost of it each month than pay for any cloud service.
This doesn't remove security and compliance requirements for the business though. For our Linux endpoints we still deploy an AV on them and limit the user's ability to add exclusions.
You can pry my gen8 hp microserver from my cold, dead hands.
I do love the folks putting troll answers in like Belgium though.
You'd be surprised. For medical info a lot of that is going to be sorted in windows servers running as either file or sql servers.
This looks Intresting. Reminds me of evil genius a bit.