I think they had to drop split screen from the Series S, at least for now.
What about the FBI and the airforce bombing black neighborhoods in 1985? Like literally bombing them. Was that the kind of top down governance you want?
I think you should give Gizmo a bite.
Well it is now and I want more pictures
I wouldn't compare the two. I don't think they're for the same purpose.
Get a cheap APC battery backup, for a little over $100 you can get a 1000VA backup that'll keep your printer running for a few hours through an outage.
"man the army sucks, better run to the place with concentration camps"
The fuck?
That's his dedicated staircase and you're just jealous you're not allowed to use it.
If you're assuming it's trashed anyway may as well try to fix it.
He takes his job very seriously.
My girl rubs her nose on my hand and she's pushing 3. It's adorable.
Both. In fact a mix that one might use for a meatball is excellent. Beef, veal, and pork spiced with some rice as a breadcrumb kinda thing.