Absolutely. Definitely not recommending chancing something like that haha. Just saying you might never change your mind and that’s ok. But also if a kid came into your life somehow, don’t panic! It might be ok
As someone who didn’t want kids and then had them later in life, your mind doesn’t really change until after you have them. That’s when I was like Oh
At least that’s what it was like for me. Plenty of people’s minds never change even after kids sadly.
Amazing comment
Same. Just hold it against the inside of the bowl and flush. Badabingbadaboom
Whipping out my Oregon
💯 God of War is proof of that. An old franchise relegated to the bin of abandoned Sony IP after being squeezed dry. Then it gets reborn as an entirely different kind of game. They nearly didn’t greenlight it thinking there was no way it would be worthwhile. But they did and the rest is history.
So do that with Resistance or Infamous or Sound Shapes. Easier said than done I know but saying there’s not enough IP is so dumb.
Your comment made me realized that Fuck Trump is a homonym for Fucked Rump
Elon take the wheel
I mean if you want to dig into it, Apple is a company that makes most of its from money from selling tech. They spend a lot on highly effective advertising, but they pay actual advertising companies to do that. So I don’t think that qualifies them as an advertising company unless you’re just trying to be dismissive. You make your money from making and selling tech, you’re a tech company first.
Google and Meta make the vast majority of their money by selling ads and selling user data to other advertising companies so they can create their own targeted ads. That by definition makes them ads companies more than tech companies.
Microsoft sells mostly software/services to enterprise clients, they’re a B2B software company. Amazon too with AWS, etc. I read the other day that with how big NYT’s word games have gotten they’re more of a gaming company that also sells newspapers these days.
Anyway, yeah you can call Apple an advertising company or a fashion company or whatever but the fact is they’re more of a tech company than most of the other companies you probably think of as tech companies. Apple-produced tech is regularly compared to the likes of Nvidia, Intel, and AMD. You can’t say the same for the other top “tech” companies.
Wow this Jesus guy is starting to sound like kind of a dick
In all seriousness, respect for showing up with the receipts. I don’t put much stock in the book myself, but I learned a bit more about it today.
While I agree with this sentiment on the surface, using a privacy focused application that was built by folks who yield to cops as part of their identity doesn’t inspire long term viability in that space.
It’s the same reason I moved away from Proton when their CEO told us all where his values lie. It’s not outright backtracking on privacy promises but with so many comparable alternatives in this space, why chance it with the bootlickers?