Yeah like bro where's my ASTM certified composite safety toes, electrically insulting soles, and high-top laces preventing debris entry inside?
I guess most if not all current lemmy users are smart enough to not invest into crypto.
I mean, I'll admit, I have a couple hundred bucks I threw at some alt coins that has fluctuated in value quite a bit... but its as more of a "fuck it" experiment instead of "The Next Coming of Econonomic JesusThat Will Make You Unfathomably Rich" like these fuckheads prattle about.
m fleeing Texas in the next couple of months
Come on out to Oregon. All us Cascadia states are probably going to be the last bastion of US democracy after every other state burns down, we have very solid blue majorities here.
I'll even need a roommate about May...
But Trump will in 3 days, and then his buddy Musk can buy it up.
Calling it now, the supposed "rumors" of Musk wanting to buy out TikTok are suddenly going to become not-rumors on January 21st.
They tried to though. Dessalines was trying to hard code a very egregious set of censored "hate" words into the Lemmy back end for a while before the (still tiny) community threw a huge shit fit about it.
Ultrahot fires these days tends to loosen up the top foot or two of soil both through root burnout and pure thermal expansion. I know in the burn areas near my house, if you go out a month after the fire your boots will practically disappear in dry topsoil flour. Add literally any water and it turns into soup.
i mean you can order Prime using Prime, but Prime is not Prime.
If it is new malware, scanners wouldnt pick up on it.
Actually they do often pick up on it, unless it is a very novel attack vector (and probably not something you'd find on a pirate site). Malware often follows very predictable code execution patterns of communicating with outside IP'S and modifying other executables, and these are things that can be detected by most AV.
On behavior tab there is tons of stuff. Shouldnt there be none?
There will never be none. it's all listed as low or no risk/informational only anyway, which goes back to the pattern recognition thing.
VT is listing things that the file has done during viewing. ALL things. This stuff might or might not be a concern, whether or not it's a known attack or pattern of malicious behavior. If you are a legit security analyst you can use the behavior data to see what files its touching and stuff and understand good and bad security design. Like, the only actual yellow warning is... it apparently looked at Google dns. Which is something any browser pdf viewer will do.
Oh. The other thing I forgot to mention, is every submission to Z-Lib goes through an approval process where a certain number of community contributors have to review the document and make sure it's legible, safe, and valid. I know, because I've submitted stuff before, it takes quite a few days to go live. It's not just random bad actors shotgunning stuff onto the site.
Translation: "Needs to function better *for me and my company's earnings report"
I have downloaded hundreds of documents from Z-library and LibraryGenesis and never had an issue with a single one of them.
That virus total scan shows free and clear, it has some warnings about there being external links inside the doc afaik (VT very broken on mobile so i can't understand the report well), but that's really fringe edge stuff to actually be "dangerous". You're over-awfulizing the danger.
Damn she looks just like the truck
(Arguably the worst looking generation of f150)