I used it for 2 years...
Proton bridge is scam - it only pretends that it works. I have been trying to get a support that it doesn't sync & delete e-mails correctly for 2 years and the only "help" was to clean the cache and wait 2 hours for resyncing...
Tell it to the Russian Linux devs that foss has no owners :-) Theory and practice are 2 different things
For some reason I'm feeling so Amish... Seems like they were so right with technology risks :-)
That feature actually could be just a map overlay. Who did play with oruxmaps or qgis knows what it is...
It's based on BSD like Mach kernel
Swiss job market is pretty much non existing. Monopolies run on monopolies and if you're not swiss German speaking with lots of contacts you have little chance to succeed in Switzerland
Software engineering is dying in Switzerland. It's flooded with layoffs from Credit Suisse, UBS, post covid Google and other faang layoffs in Zurich. IT almost doesn't exist anywhere else in Switzerland, maybe except from Geneve CERN. Elsewhere they are job positions reserved for swiss if you can play swiss politics and speak Swiss German ( which you can learn only by being raised there )... I spent there 5 years and recently went back to Poland ( I speak both English and standard German but still ... dont bank on this that its enough )
I'm pretty sure somebody will buy the data iRobot robots collected during their cleaning time :-)