
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 year ago (18 children)

What fucking conversation do you think you're a part of? Because you're clearly not reading my comments before responding to them.

[–] [email protected] 70 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (5 children)

You seem to have neglected the most important one: privilege.

Millions of Americans are stuck in a cycle of generational poverty. Really difficult to manage even the first one when you're grinding to just put food on the table daily, and that's the reality for 46 million Americans right now.

This ultra-priviliged, ignorant "you just gotta grind for it" attitude is literally what this meme is making fun of. Congrats on being the butt of the joke and doubling down on it.

Somehow I highly doubt your mom spent 1/3 of her pre-tax income to send you to private school. And based on how much she paid for it, I assume you went to private school in the 80s. The median family wage these days can't afford rent, much less $15-20,000 a year private schools, which by the way is what they cost this century. And if my assumption is correct about you growing up in the 80s, that $15,000 a year is the equivalent of nearly $59,000 a year today - higher than the median family wage, so not quite dirt poor.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 year ago (21 children)

I said living wage, homie, not minimum wage. I think everyone should be paid at least a living wage, I just said tipping in general isn't bad - it just shouldn't be used to supplement poor wages.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 1 year ago (4 children)

There are over one billion English speakers on this planet and only 1/3 of them are American, where the rhyme originates. So an American asking someone who has never heard the song before where they're from is a valid question for the other 700,000 English speaking humans from the 8+ countries where English is the most common language.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

They would have to argue that sex and gender are not the same thing in court, under oath. It's been a longstanding argument for the GOP that they are the same. And if they argue biological sex and gender are not 1:1, then they're acknowledging that a different gender identity than one's birth sex is possible, and setting that precedent immediately takes the wind out of a lot of their arguments on transgender folk.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago

The teacher will make millions from the settlement, paid squarely out of the pocket of working Floridians. And despite that, half the state will continue voting for politicians and supporting police whose actions have no real consequences for them - the tax payers will foot the bill for their actions. Until we start hitting these people in their own pocket books and pensions, their behavior won't change.

[–] [email protected] -3 points 1 year ago (25 children)

There's nothing wrong with tipping. I like the option to reward someone who made my experience great. Keyword there is option. Employers should pay employees a living wage, and if customers want to reward a great job with a few bucks on top of that, that should be allowed, even encouraged, but should never feel obligated to tip or shamed for not tipping.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Probably the latter. Back then making a new friend was as easy as walking up to the other kid and just joining in. You like Hot Wheels? I also like Hot Wheels.

Making friends as an adult is awkward as hell, even if you share the same interests. "I had fun and would like to hang out with you again, but asking another grown ass man you just met for their contact info is a strange and terrifying concept."

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Is that blood? No...

Says my character as the cutscene starts and zooms in on his face dripping blood.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

The sooner you do it the easier it's gonna be. Just bite the bullet and get it done, and schedule your 6 month follow up visit before you leave. I went more than a decade and getting back to normal - multiple deep cleanings - was rough. But once you get back to normal, just take it easy on the sugary sodas, brush twice a day, and floss or water pik more often than never and those visits are quick. I go every 6 months and it's still just as uncomfortable, but they're done in a couple minutes instead of 10-15.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

My dentist recommends the water pick over flossing, probably because people are far more likely to use that than floss. It may be less effective than regular flossing, but I'm certain it's more effective than rarely flossing.

She also recommended I upgrade to an electric toothbrush, but all the ones I tried tickled my cheeks, gums, and lips so bad it was unbearable. Turns out most of them just vibrate, but there are ones with rotational heads similar to what dentists use when cleaning your teeth. I snagged an Oral-B 1000 Pro on sale for under $40 and it's a game changer - no tickling, teeth feel ultra clean, and it's dirt cheap for a quality electric toothbrush.

[–] [email protected] 23 points 1 year ago (2 children)

To be clear, the text in the bottom half of this meme is 100% accurate, though rarely, if ever, spoken out loud. When you approached The Hole, you'd briefly exchange glances with the other diggers, they'd nod, silently acknowledging a new ally and, without a word, affirming "you know what to do."

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