If protecting shareholder profits over the well being of our citizens is wrong, I don't wanna be right.
You gotta consider a lot of rural areas don't have as strict ordinances for dwellings, so it's entirely possible the 20-year-olds you're talking to ate lead paint chips growing up.
Good old American healthcare!
"Aw shit, you got me lol!"
You have a poor understanding of sentience. If an AI ever were to achieve sentience, it would be fully capable of reasoning and thinking like a human. Humans can and do change their motivations based on their experiences, a fully sentient AI would be no different.
That being said, I believe we're centuries away from creating sentience, if it's even possible, so I'm not too worried about "I, Robot" coming true any time soon.
I'd tend to disagree that MAGA people haven't had a hard life. Many have been stuck in a cycle of poverty (of arguably their own creation by voting for politicians that lie to and exploit them) for generations, and MAGA talking points speak right to their frustration. Cults in general seek out vulnerable individuals and exploit that to their own means. MAGA politicians continue the cycle while blaming liberal policies, so they're just reinforcing the Republican lie to a new generation of voters.
This is the way. Get a couple good rewards cards, but treat them like a debit card. Don't spend money you don't have unless it's an emergency, and always pay off your balance before the billing cycle ends. You'll pay no interest and earn points for travel, statement credits, and more.
Start with a flat rewards card like the Wells Fargo Active Cash card. No annual fee and 2% back on all purchases, and if you pay your mobile phone bill with it, you get $600 towards replacing a broken or stole phone.
Once you've built credit, check out cards like Chase Sapphire Reserved which gives 3% on travel and restaurants/bars, and points are 1.5x when you book travel through Chase, so a $300 flight only costs $200 worth of points. The Amex Blue Cash Preferred gives 6% at supermarkets and on streaming services, and 3% at gas stations, and they often do promos with up to 10% cash back. As long as you pay your cards off every month and don't get hit with interest, it's free money just for buying the same things you always do.
Fawkes wanted to bring down the Church of England fascist monarchy in order to replace it with a Catholic fascist state. It's the equivalent of a Sunni terrorist group trying to overthrow a Shiite government and replace it with their own. He's a terrorist, not a hero.
Now V on the other hand, was a great role model...one second, I'm being told V was also a domestic terrorist who murdered anyone who disagreed with him. I know it's super cool and edgy to scrawl an anarchy A on your notebook and act like V was a superhero, but if you actually watch and absorb what's happening in that story, he's no better than the people he's fighting against.
Guy Fawkes was a sectarian domestic terrorist. Sounds just like modern day MAGA to me.
Lock should not default to "any print unlocks it until it's programmed." Like someone mentioned above, if you don't add a fingerprint to your phone, then fingerprint unlock is disabled. Otherwise, anyone could get into your phone if you didn't set up your fingerprint. And that's a PHONE, not a gun safe.
The manufacturer should have required the physical key to be present and the safe unlocked before you can program a code or fingerprint. This is how cheap ass Amazon combo locks work. While I feel the onus is almost entirely on the parents here, the manufacturer is at the very least negligent in its design.
Don't need an air tag with any mobile phone, but modern iPhones and Androids have "Find My Phone" features where you can log in and see the GPS location of your phone from any web browser. For phones without GPS, carriers can triangulate an approximate location based on what cell towers the phone's signal is hitting.
79 checking in