
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

I'm not saying that Bird was named luigi. But it could have been.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago

I mean that's a fair thought.

But even by USA capitalist standards, this specific man was a monster who in a just world wouldn't be allowed to be in charge of anything. The world is slightly better off without such a greedy and heartless man in it.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 months ago

I am a pacifist, and I recognize the danger of encouraging/pardoning vigilantism. There are people I feel are heroes, who others view as villains. People should argue, debate, and put pressure as much as possible with non violence... but that is clearly not working for the ultra wealthy who are so insulated from 99.9% of what we can do.

The murdered man was, even by US capitalist standards, excessively evil. In a functioning and just system he would have had life in prison with no chance of parole for 1000+ counts of at the very least man slaughter for the millions of people whose health care was delayed or prevented. The world is a slightly better place without that level of extreme greed and heartlessness in it.

I also feel like the main point of prison "SHOULD" be Prevention and Rehabilitation. Which if the Attacker was personally harmed by a CEO and lashed out, I don't think prison can accomplish either for him. I guess the US gov probably disagrees and thinks he should be rehabilitated as someone who is okay with being exploited by CEOs.

But I do want all evidence laid out, I want a jury to determine if he's unhinged and a danger to others, or someone who was hurt on a fundamental level and lashed out. We of course assume it's the second one, but we don't know yet.

Juries and judges will sometimes use the kid gloves when dealing with people who kill their abusers, and I think a light sentence with the message of "murder is wrong... but so is allowing thousands to die to increase profits. So maybe don't be so evil people wouldn't mind giving up 10 years of their lives to see you removed from this world" would be fine.

... but also if this becomes another one of a million unsolved cases, I won't lose a wink of sleep about it.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago

Why do you hate capitalism and the free market 😭

I'm just doing what's best for the share holders!

[–] [email protected] 16 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Hear me out.

I'm gonna work to make health care more expensive, so you have to buy my service: "Make health care affordable"

Then, here's the best part.

To save money, even after you've purchased my service, I won't do that 😀

... Why are you mad, it's just good business😭 !

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

Guyyyyssss, the vote was yesterday!

Also how was that mess over 10 years ago and they still are in the "Finding out" portion of FAFO?


I'm not saying that if I was on a jury for the attacker I would vote not guilty.

But mostly because saying so would exclude me from ever being on a jury like that.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 months ago

Jokes on you, I can't confidentially do anything!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

You'd fit right in on our discord server!

Not only do most of our blind community members love making jokes like that, or often times much more concerning one, you'll sit there very unsure on how to respond! The off topic channel is good fun all around!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago

UGH you're just like my sister then! See I played runescape after taking a typing class in elementary school, so in class I got like 5 wpm, then over a summer of doing nothing but playing rune scape whenever I was able (usually by staying up late after everyone went to sleep) I got up to 25, and it just kept getting faster over the years as I kept playing other online game.

My older sisters didn't have typing classes before they started doing IM chat rooms and stuff though. So my sister somehow types at 90 WPM by doing this cursed 2 finger chicken peck thing. She types way faster than me by just using 2 fingers on each hand and it always confuses the heck outta me.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago

Super good point!

Now you can't even read a blog's html to understand what it is doing, as it's being hosted by a website builder doing 2 billion weird things most likely.



This is a yearly game jam where the goal is to make blind accessible games. It is a to of fun and also I feel very educational as some wonderful blindgamers mostly from give feedback both during development in our discord, and then rate the games!

So consider joining, or spreading the word! Accessibility in gaming is something I care about a lot about personally, so I hope you consider joining!

If you're curious about the history of the jam, or what methods are used to make games blind accessible, check out the wiki for the community!

Accessibility in gaming is something I care about a lot, so I hope you consider joining!

Thanks for reading!

(And no, I totally didn't make that wiki in the last like week because work has been slow leading up to Thanksgiving... )

[–] [email protected] 10 points 3 months ago

Shout out to the scientists who study the reproductive pattern of certain insects for the sole purpose of wiping them out.

We see you scientists that are sterilizing trillions of bugs then releasing them into the wild. Your work is wild, weird, but very effective.


"Boulder police are investigating the traffic signs as criminal tampering."

“I appreciate the fact that it’s drawing attention to the fact that we’d like people to slow down and not be on their phones, but there’s probably, again, a few more appropriate ways about getting that message out.”

I'd love if they implemented whatever appropriate ways they have.... then again they said appropriate, not effective.

I always had this thing where randomly certain types of criticism, even small ones or ones where in hindsight it wasn't really against me, WRECKED me. Like was all I could think about for days, where I wasn't able to sleep that night at all, just overwhelmed with negative emotions. I still remember the overwhelming feeling of sadness and frustration I got once because I got a question marked wrong in like the 4th grade because I didn't "show my work" properly even though I got the answer right.

When I was younger this was a fun combination, because I was undiagnosed ADHD sufferer school was a place I got a good amount of criticism. So yeah I got called a crybaby a good amount. Which of course... more criticism. Yay.

I grew out of the crying (as any man should, I was told), but never grew out of random insults hitting me as hard as if someone I love just died. There were hobbies/games/communities I adored that I quit suddenly because a single snide comment for some reason filled me with such negative emotions I couldn't do said thing without thinking about it all the time.

But now as I just got my ADHD diagnosis and learning that RSD is a symptom that goes along with it, it makes SO MUCH SENSE, and is now something I can work with my counselors on.

But yeah, just curious if the cry baby thing was a shared experience.


Corporations taking over side hustles seems to be screwing over people, since they take such a large cut and flood the market for that hustle.

But the ones I've personally seen people do that work pretty well (in USA) are:

Stay at home mom watching another kid (legally dubious depending on state/situation. But I ain't no narc.)

A neighbor of my mom's sends out a menu saying what she plans on cooking each night for that week, and for $X will deliver you some as well (Legal in Utah due to special laws, other states could be dubious. )

People who go pick up free furniture that is pretty trashed, and then refurbishes it and sells it. Or people with trucks who are like "Will deliver furniture for $30 in X area" is also pretty life saver for people without cars/trucks. Was able to get a super cheap/nice coach because of this.
People who just flip free stuff or stuff from thrift stores without doing any improvements annoy me greatly though. We broke and you're just driving up the price!

None of these generate a ton of cash, but I like that they take very little up front cost, aren't disruptive, and mostly take labor.

So what side hustles have you seen work out?


The fourth iteration of a game jam all about accessibility is now open for registration, a month long jam about creating blind accessible games that starts in February! The page was just created today, so if you want to join a team they are just starting to form so you have plenty of time!

Sign up here!

Over the last 3 iterations we as a community have created over 70 blind accessible video games, and we would love if you all signed up and helped make this the most successful jam yet!

Never considered making a blind accessible game? Join the discord linked in the jam pages, where not only do we have accessibility veterans, but blind community members who are happy to help people putting in the effort to make more accessible games.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you sign up to Help make gaming accessible for all!

I'm an admin on the discord and help out, so feel free to ask any questions!


The fourth iteration of a game jam all about accessibility is now open for registration, a month long jam about creating blind accessible games that starts in February! The page was just created today, so if you want to join a team they are just starting to form so you have plenty of time!

Sign up here!

Over the last 3 iterations we as a community have created over 70 blind accessible video games, and we would love if you all signed up and helped make this the most successful jam yet!

Never considered making a blind accessible game? Join the discord linked in the jam pages, where not only do we have accessibility veterans, but blind community members who are happy to help people putting in the effort to make more accessible games.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you sign up to Help make gaming accessible for all!


The fourth iteration of a game jam all about accessibility is now open for registration, a month long jam about creating blind accessible games that starts in February!

Sign up here!

Over the last 3 iterations we as a community have created over 70 blind accessible video games, and we would love if you all signed up and helped make this the most successful jam yet!

Also I will say programming accessibility for a game is an interesting challenge for anyone thinking about it. I had to learn a lot about API and screen readers to make my games usable for my entries!


When I was in school, I was always told "If you get a college degree you'll on average make 500k more over the life time of your career regardless of what you get your degree in!"

Then as I finishing school, it was all about "If you get into tech you'll make big bucks and always have jobs!"

Both of those have turned out not great for a lot of people.

Then whenever women say they're struggling with money online, they get pointed to OF... which pays nothing to 99% of creators. Also very presumptive to suggest that, but we don't even need to get into that.

So is there a field/career strategy that you feel like is currently being over pushed?

(My examples are USA, Nevada/Utah is where I grew up, if maybe it's different in other parts of USA even.)


I'm aware of the NCIS scenes, what else you guys got?

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