
joined 2 years ago

Sure - but what’s not for sale?

Somewhere around now I try to get like 80% of things entered – then I procrastinate on the last %20.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Does microwaving other things make them taste weird?

[–] 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Pocket sand.

[–] 12 points 1 week ago

Creators that wanted to support hookers and drug in meta - but couldn’t?

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

They should put each game on its own separate storage – We’ll call them cartridges.

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Have never played. But love the current state of NWN1. This news sounds lovely.

Edit: Glancing through the NWN Developer Chat Discord - this looks like it might be going through them. So… slightly more skeptical.

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago

Then dry with normal paper afterwards.

Have never really found this to be necessary. But yeah - just buy and use baby wipes.

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago

This is about on par with other “pump covers”.

[–] 13 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

People abuse things.

[–] 26 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Was the email subject of my last resignation.

[–] 13 points 3 weeks ago

I’d watch this episode of Parks and Rec.


Grabbed this on sale – anyone had success running this on Steam Deck?

I seem to be get a Microsoft Studios splash screen and then the screen goes blank and eventually self restarts.

Have tried a couple compatibility modes with no real progress.


This is a collection of fragmented thoughts brought on by recent events during a long drive. It’s not meant to be “doom and gloom” serious…

Is it correct to expect an uptick in private security firms for executive protection?

Is it correct to assume that some of the ultra rich have their own “private military/force”?

How long until we see executives with some form of robotic security accompanying them?

I can’t tell if we’d expect to see them used in a military capacity first or if the military has too meet redundancy needs first – making it more likely for private ownership first.

I know we’ve seen examples of robodogs on a golf course - but when might an executive be strolling the streets with some form of automated protection?

What might be more realistic near term, or a decade into the future? Hiring soldiers/private-security would still make the most sense?


Is there a way to select or level up a skill on a controller?

Select will open the screen to where I can grab a separate mouse and interact with these. I tried holding down select and then the skill button but that didn’t seem to work.

Please note - I’m talking about the 4 skills on the bottom - the ones you’d want to be able to easily select on the fly while in lane.



A sudden exodus of employees is causing leadership to panic and suddenly puts me under a microscope with questions like:

  • Are you going to leave?
  • What can we do to keep you from leaving?
  • Do you see yourself here in 1 year?

These are all semi valid questions to ask in the best interest of the company. But I’m curious how this information could be used.

This all got me thinking – at what point could – “no - I don’t see myself in a year” be used as a resignation with a 1 year notice – and then terminated after ~3 months and be ineligible for unemployment since you “technically” resigned.


I assume the answer is currently no and can probably survive with alt tabbing around.

In the old version of Big Picture you could bring up a browser in the Steam overlay while playing mid game. This allowed for quickly accessing online references and even bookmarking online guides etc.

I’m aware of accessing Steam guides and notes - and these are great features. But is there a way to easily access online information while playing?


I’m looking at an empty bottle of Valentina hot sauce. It has a flip top cap but is not twist off and seems to be press fitted on in some way - ideally there would be a way to easily remove it and re-purpose the container or at least clean it out for recycling.

With some recent legislation in some countries to standardize USB-C it got me wondering if there are pushes elsewhere or if maybe it’s just my country just hasn’t caught up on things.


I frequently wear a pair of Bluetooth headphones paired to a computer. If I want to listen to something on my phone I have to re-pair the device to my phone.

Is it possible, through software or hardware, to have both my phone and computer connected in such a way that I can get audio output from either device to my headset simultaneously.


You’re walking along a path and another person approaches from the opposite direction.

Do you tilt your head to signify which direction around them you intend to go? Is that head tilt understood by others?

Should we start pointing also?

Install hand blinkers?


Returning to the game and looking to introduce some things into the daily routine. Are there any events or timegated materials from EOD that would be recommended?

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