
joined 3 years ago

¿Te has parado a pensar en que tenemos a presidentes del gobierno o instituciones públicas como AEMET dando comunicados oficiales importantísimos exclusivamente a través de plataformas privadas como Twitter?

Chungo, ¿eh? Hemos regalado un ámbito fundamental como la comunicación y las relaciones (sociales y políticas) a empresas privadas que hacen negocio con ello.

No se nos ocurre nadie mejor que @[email protected] para hablar de esto, con @[email protected]


El mercado de la retención de atención es despiadado. Sabemos que el algoritmo de Youtube nos lleva desde un contenido cualquiera, a los videos más radicales de conspiracionismo y discurso de odio. Porque está demostrado que ese contenido genera ‘engagement’ y la ética no cuenta cuando la pelea se da por retener la atención de la audiencia.

El Fediverso ofrece un listado mayor de aplicaciones o servicios. Van desde el microbloggin y macrobloggin, al streaming de audio y/o video, o la compartición de imágenes, y lo novedoso es que todas pueden conectarse entre ellas. No existe un solo servidor centralizado para cada servicio, sino que cualquier usuaria con los conocimientos técnicos necesarios, puede montar lo que se conoce como instancia y ofrecer el servicio a otras usuarias.

... también se distribuye el almacenamiento de datos y no hay una sola empresa o conjunto de personas que custodie toda la información. Al distribuir la carga de usuarias entre diferentes servidores, hace que no sea tan necesario los grandes centros de datos que alojan a millones de usuarias de países o continentes enteros, disminuyendo el impacto ecológico y económico de los proyectos

Mastodon ha sido refugio para muchos colectivos minoritarios, sobre todo de la comunidad LGBTQIAPN+. También hay una alta participación de personas con dificultades visuales y auditivas, por lo que se pone mucho cuidado en hacer de Mastodon una red social segura y accesible. Es por ello que tienes diferentes formas de avisar de un contenido que puede dañar la sensibilidad de otros, poniendo un “content warning”. Así como está muy extendida la práctica de poner la descripción ALT en las imágenes para facilitar la accesibilidad. Si no eres un machi-racist-troll y quieres probar una nueva red social te esperamos por el Fediverso, puedes seguirnos en @[email protected].


Un retall

  • Siempre se añade texto alternativo (ALT) a las imágenes.
  • Se añade «advertencia de contenido» cuando escribes sobre un tema que sea sensible o que pueda resultar desagradable o traumático para otras personas
  • Si usas Mastodon como un lugar para conversaciones informales, puedes considerar activar la opción de que tus mensajes se borren pasado X tiempo.

Fet per #laIntersección recomanat per @[email protected]

Esta guía, y el artículo sobre instancias y federación, ha sido producidas como documentación complementaria para el taller sobre el fediverso impartido en el Encuentro ComunESS, organizado por REAS Euskadi.


Un disparador més d'aquesta onada de fugides de Twitter

“We wanted to let readers know that we will no longer post on any official Guardian editorial accounts on the social media site X,” the Guardian said.

The Guardian has more than 80 accounts on X with approximately 27 million followers.

The Guardian said content on the platform about which it had longstanding concerns included far-right conspiracy theories and racism. It added that the site’s coverage of the US presidential election had crystallised its decision.

“This is something we have been considering for a while given the often disturbing content promoted or found on the platform, including far-right conspiracy theories and racism,” it said.

“The US presidential election campaign served only to underline what we have considered for a long time: that X is a toxic media platform and that its owner, Elon Musk, has been able to use its influence to shape political discourse.”


Protection of our users, especially those marginalized and dealing with systemic oppression, has priority over federation reach or the preservation of existing followers/followees network. As a result, these are the guiding principles for all moderation work at eldritch.cafe:

  • Power dynamics within the team that echo systems of oppression should be prevented; and if this fails, they must be addressed and corrected immediately.
  • Moderation should be as transparent as possible.
  • Moderation should be as proactive as possible to avoid putting the burden of moderation on users and therefore unnecessarily exposing them to harmful content.

Sobre colectius activistes que van a "on esta la gent". Que valoren més els el miratge dels números, que la comunitat i els llaços que es poden crear a la fedi.

publicat originalment a https://masto.es/@JanaDelBosco/113486361812196140 per @[email protected]


Bon article. Ara, el final de "hay que ganar primero e irse después" sembla una mica una pèrdua de temps i energies. En comptes de construir algo millor a fora, t'enfangues a lluitar un temps (quant?) fins a guanyar la partida (quan establim que la guanyes?) amb absolutament tot en contra. Ok.


Elaborada per @[email protected]

Un fragment que explica algunes funcionalitats especials:

  • Avatar Decorations: “Stickers” that can be placed and resized on your profile picture.
  • Cat Mode & Speak as Cat: Cat Mode adds cat ears to the user’s profile picture. Speak as Cat modifies the appearance of posts to be more cat-like. For example “everyone” becomes “everynyan”. If Speak as Cat is not a feature of the software then it is included as part of Cat Mode. This feature is taken very seriously.
  • Link Verification: Verified links will show a checkmark next to them. This can help to verify that a user is who they say they are. How to verify links
  • Roles: Allows admins to control what certain groups of users can and can’t do. Displays a role badge on the user profile.
  • ListenBrainz Status: Displays what song the user is listening to. Similar to Last.fm.
  • Feeds: Automatically generate RSS, Atom, and JSON feeds for public posts from public accounts.
  • Pages: Allows users to attach documents to their profile with extra functionality compared to posts.
  • Post Backfill: Older posts from remote users will be automatically downloaded to the local instance.
  • Disable Post Indexing: Prevent posts from being indexed by search engines.
  • Import/Export: Upload and download personal data to move it between accounts.
  • Post Import: Allows the user to upload posts that were exported from other platforms. This copies the original post dates and may import attached media.
  • Migration/Move: Move followers from an old account to a new account. This does not move followed users or other data, see: Import/Export.

Avui, amb internet, cadascú pot triar la seva veritat, i el que ens hauria de preocupar és tot allò que no triem

Internet com a fàbrica

Moltes estructures ja es van desenvolupar abans de la implosió de les ‘big tech’, només cal actualitzar-les

Qui té por de l’algoritme?

Canvi de xip

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

There are consumer unions with hired lawyers. In Spain there's Facua and OCU (but the 2d one is governmental, I think)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

You are thinking of https://opencellid.org and of Mozilla location services. You can contribute to them with the TowerCollector app.

UnifiedNLP is just one interface that can use many "backends" or "location services", like the Mozilla one, an offline list, or even google itself via microG.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Have you checked if this impacts the availability on your sites from Tor? While on Tor, I'm really fed up of Cloudflare "security pages" blocking me away from sites that are served via them. I don't trust they treat DNS differently.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

The least private way to pay them is via PayPal and they only ask an email or xmpp account. They accept cryptocurrencies if you are into that. They ask nothing for the whois, and they even let you write whatever you want ;)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

hay una moneda que no te servirá para pagar en internet a una tienda cualquiera, pero que sí puede servir para usar de intercambio entre comunidades que quieran usar monedas sociales. https://g1-monedalibre.org/

el faircoin fue un intento de hacer algo así, pero se fue a la mierda por jugar a hacer el capitalista en medio del mercado y por mal lideraje.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago

This, assuming you self-host the other-host way, that is, hiring a vps and alike. Don't centralize the internet to commercial data-centers yet, please

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Thank you for all the sources. I've just finished reading them. Those tell me that they look to have good intentions, but don't reply to the fact that their "encrypted cloud chats" mean "we store all your content encrypted but we keep the key for you", and essentially: "we won't look at it".

However, they really can look at it. And at some point, Durov will change his mind, will die, will go bankrupt and sell all the databases, or maybe not. But you can't rely on this "maybe not" when we are talking about privacy or security (imo privacy is just a subset of security)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago (3 children)

I'm sorry to disagree. Matrix and Signal both offer end to end encrypted group chats, while telegram has done zero progress on this issue since it launched, that is before signal was even born from textsecure, chatsecure and redphone.

Telegram even did not open source their server code nor offer to federate. Worse than Signal. And finally, if you review their changelog, they just focus on addictive features: animations, glitter and "rounded edges" so to speak. This and a ton of minor usability improvements that make it super slick to use.

For me, Telegram is the new Twitter and the new Whatsapp, all together. With zero encription on server side. How far is the time when some data leak or theft happens? How far until all this huge chat history is used for data mining, marketing profilation, and finally, for violence against minorities or activists?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago

If they allow Google to index their pay per read articles, this tool will do the job: https://12ft.io/

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