
joined 3 years ago

Els nostres principals mitjans socials estan en venda. I, per tant, també les persones que els utilitzem i gran part dels nostres lligams socials


De X marxarem per coherència i per salut mental, per les seves pràctiques i la cultura digital tòxica que ha generat, però la pregunta és quan, com i cap a on.


For better or worse, anarchists are using social media like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. This sucks. Enter the Fediverse, an alternative, open-source social media network that aligns with anarchist values. Rather than being a thinly-veiled attention and data gathering capitalist vortex, the Fediverse is an actual social network, built out of a multitude of federated, autonomous, and decentralized instances. On the Fediverse, we control the infrastructure, we moderate ourselves, and we can gather and share based on our affinities and desires rather than being guided by addictive algorithms. Many anarchists who have dodged the traps of corporate social media are already here, sharing their projects, art, and ideas. Join us!

Delete Instagram! (deleteinstagram.neocities.org)

Instagram is trash.

Instagram bans Palestinian and radical organizers, limits accounts, and automatically suppresses “political content”. We have better tools to connect with each other which resist censorship and surveillance.

In spite of Facebook's well documented censorship of anti-Zionists, people use Instagram and similar sites because the most people are there. This is very reasonable; it's currently still a useful tool. But if we don't see people's posts because they are banned or shadowbanned, we still need to find real alternatives.


Bloqueo de varias horas del instagram de Cristina Fallarás, donde publica historias anónimas de diferentes formas de violencia patriarcal


Twitter es, con diferencia, la plataforma que incumple con mayor gravedad la legislación referente a los discursos de odio, así como sus propias normas de conducta. Solo retiró el 31,5% de los contenidos reportados, porcentaje que cae hasta el 7,5% si no se tiene en cuenta la categoría “retirado trusted flagger”.


I per algo mes generic https://joinfediverse.wiki/FediBlock


Los datos de las plataformas sociales deben ser portables, por ley. Podemos usarla si no nos facilitan exportar datos de las cuentas capitalistas.


Do you:

  • announce your action or demonstration on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok?
  • give updates on Twitter, Telegram, Discord?
  • ask people to follow you on the socials?

Would you

  • charge people to see your announcements?
  • ask for their telephone number as you hand them a flyer?
  • require wearing name tags at demonstrations and actions?

Answer yes to any of the first questions? Then you also said yes to the rest.


El primer node local on vaig participar va ser Som Sants, que en aquell moment funcionava amb GNU Social, un dels pocs programaris que hi havia a l'època. Avui dia, n'hi ha molts. Tants, que és difícil seguir la pista de tot el que es fa. Però Som Sants va començar abans que existís GNU Social. Va arrencar com a instància de StatusNet, el primer programari fediversal creat al 2008 i que va començar dient-se Laconica.

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