Nobody is saying your emotions are invalid. Your feelings are very valid. Here's a hug from me to you to prove the point (I hope it counts, lol). All I'm saying is that anger is instinctive & it clouds our judgement (like we literally can't process any other thoughts while angry). If you calmly think about it, you instantly reacted and insulted me and other poster above you, you put us both in the 'other team', while we were both in your team all along. That my friend is anger leading to more individualism (you alone in your room) over collectivism (same team). That is the exact same weakness that is exploited by those doing the propaganda. And that is why we all need to rise over it.
I feel the mad in you, I sincerely do, but when the whole ocean is moving in a certain way due to underlying currents, it is incorrect to place the blame on any individual droplet, for none of them individually are responsible for it or have the power to control or alter it. Understand that the droplets themselves are moving because of the said currents. The best you can do is accept reality and plan your course ahead. The mad only burns you from inside without solving any problem.
these 'trolls' are just regular users.
Umm, every human is a regular user. Every regular user comes with these defaults - 1) instinct to react, and 2) defend their worldview. It takes patience and mental effort to not instinctively react, but rather shut up & ponder & reflect. 49 out of 50 want to win the debate but only 1 out of 50 wants to solve the problem.
Sorry, why is that 3rd man the villain of the story, and what do you mean humans fumbled the ball?
It's an appeal to the individual over the collective.
What differentiates humans from all animals including apes is our ability to cooperate & coordinate. Cooperation is what has allowed humans to dominate the world. I'm quite optimistic about the future simply because our innate sense of cooperation is all the good we have ever needed to conquer any and all evil the world has managed to create at any point in history all the way to now, and will continue to hold true forever.
And how does one let most of those thoughts go unsaid?
I bought 2 used trek bikes in the pandemic from a bike rental shop.
My dear friend, life itself is the most engaging play you ever saw.
Not owned by a corporation driven by a profit motive.
And I will bet this is the exact way organic growth mostly happens for social media platforms. PS: I do the same
You are a very good person, because you are reflective of your past, conscious of your actions, and have morals that gave you the guilt that you feel. You're alright little one.