in the majority of states
what would a subscription even do?
nah in firefox those ads can be disabled by unchecking a checkbox, in windows it's probably not just an easy to find checkbox and i bet after removing the ads they'll just come back after an update.
it's a secret only those who dare venture into the scary "settings menu" can learn about it. most don't come back alive.
none of microsoft's junk can be permanently uninstalled, so it should all count as malware
that looks to be a yellow-headed caracara, and the caracara that is also called mexican eagle is the crested caracara
woah i just looked at where the Carolina Raptor Center is located and now i have to ask, how did it get there? the yellow-headed caracara (according to wikipedia) doesn't live anywhere outside of south america, so that boy must've been pretty lost (or wikipedia is wrong)
yeah that context kind of doesnt matter when the point of the post is that a cat is breaking into someone's house
the new series 'Dragon Ball X' was aimed for older viewers, and i think it went pretty crazy with its transformations. there are 4 versions of Super Smash, then there's Smash God, Super Smash God, and even this "Goblin Mode" that Smashers with tails can use to turn into a tiny goblin with a massive...
its 7:00 AM i should go to sleep
juan? D:
blue egghead
as in you dreamed that or as in you want that
support ff development: thats called donating
premium access to mozillas services: that's already a thing but you subscribe to each one, like their vpn, pocket, etc
cosmetics in browser: thats just