
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago

Very cool, both of you! I've never seen that before

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Exactly. And may I add to your point the privatization of public communication by social media ( especially Instagram ). It's becoming very hard to find information about your city public action without an account on Instagram; now to be a citizen is required to have an "social media id".

Also, business are becoming hostages of Instagram: their only way to communicate with the customers is through this mediation. I think is very very important to platforms like pixelfed to become more popular and indeed brake these people free.

[–] [email protected] 27 points 1 month ago

“It’s good to be proud of German culture, German values, and not to lose that in some sort of multiculturalism that dilutes everything,” Musk said.

They want Germany out of EU to fracture the block. Then, when Europe is fragmented and weak they can provide ( sell )"the solution" again.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

Yes! We need a better interface between them

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Damn, that computer is hungry!

[–] [email protected] 40 points 2 months ago

I don't even have X, but everywhere I go there's an Elon's tweet

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago

These non-stick pans are usually cheaper then stainless steel and cast iron, so people with lower income are more prone to buy it. Consequently, considering that low education is associated with poverty, poor people are buying more of this type of pans and not using it "properly" so getting exposed to possibly more harm and not knowing about it.

Also, " just discard the pan if flocking occurs", is everything that this industry wants: you'll continue in an indefinitely loop of trowing away pans and buying new ones for the maximization of their profits. Thus is expected that flocking will occur more soon than ever.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Beautiful kitchen tiles by the way

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago (2 children)

I know, why? But looks cool though


Expanding display rolls out with the touch of a button

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

Works every time


Nome científico: Cochlearius cochlearius


O Brasil tem umas aves lindas! Precisamos preservar a nossa natureza, a Vida é o que há de mais lindo no universo.


“The fascism that we thought we’d left behind is now the third biggest political force in Europe,” said Sánchez. “And, as President Macron [of France] said only a few days ago, the international reactionary movement – or the international far-right movement that we’ve been warning about for years in Spain – which is being led in this case by the richest man on the planet, is openly attacking our institutions, inciting hatred and openly calling for people to support the heirs of nazism in Germany in the forthcoming elections that will be held in Europe’s most important economy.”


Ter um carro no Brasil nunca foi barato - ainda mais um carro novo - e portanto o carro que você dirige ou a velocidade em que você troca de carro se tornou um indicativo de status social, uma divisão de classe das estradas.

Por possuir uma cadeia de produção longa e dividida em várias etapas, a construção de um carro emprega ( empregava ) uma grande parte dos trabalhadores, e historicamente ter fábricas de carros também se mostrou um indicador de industrialização de um país. O Brasil portanto importou esse modelo de desenvolvimento em 4 rodas e, mais notadamente com JK, subsidiou fortemente as montadoras que vieram para o país.

Como consequência, vivemos uma sociedade do carro. Nosso principal modal de transporte é sobre 4 rodas; mas como diria George Orwell, nem todas 4 rodas são iguais: o ônibus é também um automóvel, um carro coletivo, e que na divisão de classe das estradas representa o pobre - não o miserável, esse é o pedestre.

Essa sociedade motora não é apenas uma alegoria vazia, mas sim um reflexo das estruturas de dominação atuais: o poder é exercido pela liberdade de movimento. Quanto maior a minha ligação com aquilo que é local, menor o meu poder; quanto mais lentamente eu me movo, mas fraco eu sou.

Assim, toda vez que você estiver esperando por horas um ônibus, lembre-se que isso não é por acaso, mas sim um reflexo de uma estrutura de dominação. Revolte-se!

Texto motivador, do Zigmund Bauman - sociedade individualizada.

The imposition of norms and the execution of normative regulation tied the controllers and the controlled to each other and made them inseparable. Both sides were, so to speak, tied to the ground: reproduction of the power hierarchy required constant presence and confrontation. It is this reciprocal dependency, this perpetual mutual engagement, which the new techniques of power which have come to the fore in the era of globalization have rendered redundant. The new hierarchy of power is marked at the top by the ability to move fast and at short notice, and at the bottom by the inability to slow down those moves, let alone arrest them, coupled with its own immobility. Escape and evasion, lightness and volatility have replaced weighty and ominous presence as the main techniques of domination.


Software permite localização em tempo real, abrir a câmara do celular, microfone e mais...


Congresso antinacional.


O congresso é uma vergonha


Extract from the book Ultra-Processed People

[...]He met a British couple Derrick and Patrice Jelliffe, paediatricians who were studying infant malnutrition. In a series of papers, they had meticulously documented aggressive marketing practices by the infant formula industry in low-income settings, with a particular focus on Nestlé. Sales representatives with no certification or training were dressed up as ‘mothercraft nurses’. They advised impressionable new mothers about the benefits of formula and promoted it in such a way that has since been linked to thousands of avoidable deaths.Nestlé and some other formula companies were causing a quadruple jeopardy.First, even formula made with clean water is associated with an increased risk of fatal infection, probably because of effects on the infant microbiome. Second, Nestlé was marketing the formula in communities where the possibility of producing an uncontaminated feed was almost zero. In these low-income settings, parents would typically have only one bottle and no way of cleaning it, would have to use river or well water contaminated with sewage and had low literacy rates, which meant they had great difficulty in making up the feeds correctly. Third, while initial samples were given at low price, or even for free, once the mother had stopped lactating the price went up, creating poverty further and endangering the child and its siblings. In east Africa, for example, to feed an infant properly would take more than a third of a labourer’s salary. Finally, it seemed that to save money mothers diluted the formula so the infants, often already suffering with diarrhoeal disease, were then undernourished: ‘Under these circumstances, almost homeopathic quantities of milk are administered with large quantities of bacteria, the result is starvation and diarrhoea, too often leading to death.’ The Jelliffes catalogued instances of formula companies marketing breastfeeding as being ‘backwards and insufficient’, and in 1972 coined the phrase ‘commerciogenic malnutrition’ – malnutrition caused by companies. Modern obesity is also a commerciogenic disease


Livro importantíssimo: Gente ultra processada - Chris van Tulleken

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