"various changes"
Its called oligopoly
In my personal experience and for my personal needs smb has worked best for me even though it feels kinda "bad" because of the windows background. However that also makes it useful, too, as it is compatible with most os'es...
Security setup is easy. Performance good (in my experience better than sshfs but i am sure sshfs transfers are more secure than smb).
Well, wouldnt you want to know what will have happened until then?
It would show me the direction. Also, how can you question whats relevant to me? I would just be curious...believe it or not..
Whats the btc price?
Pacino in The Godfather
Koks ist kein Brokoluderzucker
Kommt auf den Arbeitsplatz an..
Und was wäre der Effekt? Weniger legaler Anbau und wieder mehr Schwarzmarkt...warum sollte ich mich damit abnerven, mit CSCs so ein bürokratisches Ungetüm bewältigen zu müssen, wenn ich einfach wieder zu meinem Dennis nebenan gehen kann...oder eben illegal anbaue...das wird dann wohl noch weniger Menschen interessieren, als heute schon...
Personal Home Pagers ™
ported to the Nintendo Switch