I can't think of a fully independent one.
Kagi includes search results from the big search engines, which would mean Google and Bing. So while they do some of their own crawling to improve the results, some of your money will still be going to Google and Microsoft. It's still a step in a better direction though. I don't know whether Kagi has any plans to become more independent in future.
Musk is white though.
Without a doubt they will have those other use cases in mind too. Mentioning them is just not good for marketing in public.
They think there will be more profit in it, especially since bees can't be repurposed as weapons.
In Trump's America you'll be guilty if he says so until executed. There will be no opportunity to prove innocence.
It's even crazier given that Canada, unlike the USA, has a viable third party in the NDP, which sits to the left of the Liberals and has some actual policies that would help people. Yet for some reason when people are being screwed by billionaires and their corporations, and by Conservative provincial governments, and even as they watch the USA declining daily under fascism, they still turn to the right instead of the left. Do people just have no idea what Conservatives are about?
If you're talking about this comment thread, people are defending equality before the law and due process, not defending rapists and murderers.
Canadians, even as their country is directly threatened with economic ruin and annexation, and even as they watch the USA going downhill rapidly under fascism, are about to elect a guy who bases his whole new-found "tough guy" schtick on Trump, and who has courted the support of neo-Nazis. Ontario is about to re-elect the guy who has been dismantling public health, education and transport in favour of profitable deals for his cronies, even after he has been dismantling the province for years already. I really hope Candians see what's happening next door and think twice, but I have little faith in electorates making smart decisions.
Only non-degenerate arts approved by the Führer will be permitted from now on, with performers who are genetically pure examples of the Aryan race.
Why should undocumented people die for a crime while documented people shouldn't? It's the same crime. What possible argument is there for this except "It's cheaper just to kill them, and we don't give a fuck"? Effectively it's execution for not having your papers in order.
Also, won't this be used as the start of an excuse to kill whichever undocumented person they round up? And then to kill them in bulk, and then to kill the other people they decide to round up? There's no reason whatsoever to trust this administration. They don't believe in justice or laws.
The USA needs to find a way to get rid of these Nazis fast, or it'll be too late to mount any effective resistance.
Its not that catastrophic.