This is why I did street names originally. I have a server in two locations currently, and can one-command migrate a service between them. So good suggestion since I will still have that option.
Such a good show
Hah, love the cluster names.
This may be the one. Reminds me of pet naming. Though, my cat was named... Cat.
Am American. Would take every day of it. Would come back and laugh at them when they picked on me for it, while calling them idiots for not taking advantage of the opportunity. "Have fun talking yourselves out of regret, losers."
Looks like everyone on Mastodon feels the same way. (As do I.)
Yea just seems really odd to not have an announcement, unless I just happen to go there at exactly the right time, which seems unlikely.
4 hours ago there was an update on Wikipedia adding a reference for their January release, but thats the only recent change I've found with the past code commit being 2 days ago.
Well, guess we need to buy some Tim Tams. We do have Penguins..
“That niche, that space in bourbon is a pretty specialized product. They can try and fill it but they can’t do it in any legitimate way and call it bourbon, it would be illegal,” Bricker said.
Uhh. Tell that to Cheddar, Moz, Champagne.. And a million other protected trademarks that the US has just used.
Canada can put fermented maple syrup in a bucket and call it bourbon if they want to.
Yes, that is what it actually means.
Tim Tams yes (Australian, but they'll do haha), but never heard of the Tim tam slam...
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Tempting.