I think Space Göring would be even more fitting. The Luftwaffe was like Göring‘s pet toy. Also he took a lot of drugs.
You could get a VPS only for getting around the double NAT.
Run a reverse proxy on the VPS and forward requests over WireGuard to your NAS. That way you wouldn‘t actually host any data on the VPS.
They should diversify their maintainer set and adopt more hierarchy if they can’t keep up with notifications
Easier said than done.
How many outgoing emails are we talking about? Because there are a lot of free or cheap options for personal use and small businesses.
„Fickt Reddit“
🤔 Fickt Reddit?
F**** *eddit?
😯 Feddit!
You could try Consent-O-Matic. That’s what I use. It also doesn’t simply agree to everything like the other one but chooses the most privacy-friendly option instead.
Hadn‘t heard of Rumble. At first glance, it looks like its run by Elon Musk. Andrew Tate on the frontpage, far-right political channels and crypto bros. I think I‘ll pass.
A reverse proxy does not magically make an insecure app secure.
„Die vorsätzliche Körperverletzung nach § 223 und die fahrlässige Körperverletzung nach § 229 werden nur auf Antrag verfolgt, es sei denn, daß die Strafverfolgungsbehörde wegen des besonderen öffentlichen Interesses an der Strafverfolgung ein Einschreiten von Amts wegen für geboten hält.“
Edit: Aber richtig ist, dass Nötigung ein Offizialdelikt ist, das auch ohne Antrag verfolgt werden muss.
Das kommt auf die Art der Straftat an. Antragsdelikte werden nur auf Antrag des Geschädigten verfolgt. Körperverletzung zum Beispiel ist ein Delikt, das nur auf Antrag des Geschädigten verfolgt wird, oder wenn die Staatsanwaltschaft ein besonderes öffentliches Interesse in der Verfolgung sieht.
Edit: Grammatik
LOL. Einmal Lemmy-Gold für dich:🥇
I don‘t know what specifically you would like to know and what your background is, so I will just elaborate a bit more.
The basic idea is that the VPS, which is not behind a NAT and has a static IP, listens on a port for WireGuard connections. You connect from the NAS to the VPS. On the NAS you configure the WireGuard connection with “PersistentKeepalive = 25”. That makes the NAS send keepalive packets every 25 seconds which should be enough to keep the connection alive, meaning that it keeps a port open in the firewall and keeps the NAT mapping alive. You now have a reliable tunnel between your VPS and your NAS even if your IP address changes at home.
If you can get a second (public) IP address from your provider you could even give your NAS that IP address on its WireGuard interface. Then, your VPS can just route IP packets to the NAS over WireGuard. No reverse proxy needed. You should get IPv6 addresses for free. In fact, your VPS should already have at least a /64 IPv6 network for itself. For an IPv4 address you will have to pay extra. You need the reverse proxy only if you can‘t give a public IP address to your NAS.
Edit: If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask.