In my day it was a sight of your ID alone, and only on the cashier's discretion. Which is still the norm today at many retailers. I will never use any POS system that requires ID scanning/PII provision as a default.
It's probably my inexperience with self-checkout speaking, but I would never enter PII into a corporate terminal for the sake of a six-pack.
In EVE Online that's called 'getting underneath the guns'. 🎓
Two of my colleagues still use locally stored plaintext for individual work credentials, despite having been shown where the password manager is. Both have accessed their files in front of me. If it's not in those files it's saved in the browser (because convenience is a hell of a drug). Now you start to see why discrete managers have a hard time, even amongst technology workers.
I should have realised it was an instance issue. Thanks!
'I don't care' is the refrain of someone who doesn't know how to safeguard his digital interests. Easier to pretend it doesn't matter than admit to wanting to hit land, but are adrift at sea with no bearings or tools. It's not entirely your friend's fault either. Education systems have so much ground to catch up.
Libretube is usually broken in some fashion (often a fatal one, like failing to load video).
I hope I'm wrong about her, but she is a politician. Constituencies are built to gain office, and the closer she gets to power the more she will (and must) contort her program.
Black and white are English words at least a thousand years old. They've taken on numerous positive, negative and neutral connotations over time. But all that heritage and utility doesn't matter, and must be denied, because in 2023 it doesn't suit some people's politics to use 'black' in any context besides referring to a black person.
I think that's a very sad and limiting attitude toward language.
As low-brow as it can get, 4chan is still part of the solution, unlike plebbit.