As long as people think that a largely volunteer run ecosystem can be held to the very same expectations as products from some of the most wealthy companies on the planet without willingness to contribute or accept setbacks, I'm very glad that Linux isn't mainstream.
Imagine any other country doing that?
Many other countries do in fact do that.
It's not. Human rights are only human rights if they are universal and even criminals deserve to be protected from abuse and torture.
Plus, it doesn't actually solve anything. It just moves the problem elsewhere and will most likely have involved the German government directly giving money to the Taliban regime.
Mobian developed for PostmarketOS? I feel like you are mixing something up here, as those are both distros. Maybe you mean Phosh?
I think it would be more useful to regard this as a StreetComplete/editor flaw than an OSM flaw.
If you set the surface before the path is split, it's applied to all of them and many desktop editors have some sort of Ctrl-Select/multiselect support that makes this no real hassle.
The headline seems to be a but misleading though. Seems like it's 1000x more efficient than pure barium titanate would be.
Also seems like it has the potential to be much ore efficient than conventional silicon based panels, but not by a factor of 1000.
Many people (including me) have run Aeon for years. It's definitely usable as daily driver. It's also in RC3 stage right now and should switch to it's first "proper" release any day/week now.
Ok, choose your battle then.
Is it your intention to communicate effectively with me in this conversation or is it not?
I would consider what's going on here is literally the definition of failure to communicate as humans because many here *cannot* agree on terminology
Okay, so you are acknowledging that an agreement on terminology and a shared understanding of it needs to occur for successful communication to happen. In other words, that terms need to be intersubjective if we want to have any chance at communicating at all.
This is exactly the point I was making above.
If you think a shared understanding is vital for successful communication, how do you square that of with your claims that having your own subjective definition of politics is perfectly reasonable and acceptable and there's nothing we can or need to do about it?
Working with your own definitions and not trying to come to a shared one is by your own admission a failure to communicate. So why do you then insist on just claiming a term is completely subjective instead of at least trying to offer a term that can be agreed upon. Why do you insist on communicating in a way that by your own admission is bound to lead to communication breakdown?
Just because politics the phenomenon involves subjective opinions doesn't mean the definition of the term is somehow subjective, or at least not any more or less subjective than any other term.
Opinions are subjective, but we still all pretty much agree what an opinion is and what isn't. Because while opinions are subjective, the term "opinion" isn't.
This is literally the basis of human communication. If things and terms didn't more or less mean the same thing for different speakers, we would be unable to communicate with each other.
If terms were generally completely subjective and up to the individual, there would be no point in you talking with me, or anyone else, because you could never be sure if who you are talking to even remotely means the thing that you think they mean.
And what exactly do you call navigating different opinions and proposals for actions in a community setting? That is LITERALLY politics.
Yes, people can have different opinions on what is political, but that doesn't mean those are equally valid. Politics has a clear definition. People can have different opinions in politics, but not really about what is politics.
From wiki:
"Politics (from Ancient Greek πολιτικά (politiká) 'affairs of the cities') is the set of activities that are associated with making decisions in groups, or other forms of power relations among individuals, such as the distribution of resources or status."
Saying they don't want to do politics, while making a literal political decision is just completely contradictory. The minute the project turned into a community project,.it turned into a political project both by definition and necessity.
Merkel herself was a bit of an outlier for the CDU though. Most of the party is and has been more conservative/further right than her.