If you watched the video, you would know you don't actually own the battery but lease it from the manufaturer.
It is genuinly a very nice building though. I would love an office there.
There is a cinema inside as well.
Nono, the other way round. Visit it with chrome and spoof a firefox user agent, so it looks like you used firefox, while you can still use the website.
Black could have won in the first turn we see, right?
Bullshit. I can use docker without the docker hub very easily. Anyone can host docker images, and docker allows this, no weird hacks needed.
Docker does not lock you in with the docker hub though. So no hostage taking.
Ik ben bezig met het jaarlijkse dieptepunt van mijn jaar: ik probeer de feestdagen in elkaar te schuiven zodat we alle familie en vrienden kunnen zien. Omdat we in het buitenland wonen extra ingewikkeld. Ondertussen zijn we op een 5e kerstdag aangekomen volgensmij 😮💨
But not if there are no timezones! Probably someone would find a way to display the shift anyway, but this is basically the old timezone system again, but without a (more-or-less) universal standard.
In China the vast vast majority of people live in a single timezone at the coast, so this is not really comparable.
Aweful idea: do you want to plan a meeting at 16:00 with colleagues in the US? It is very hard to tell if this makes sense without timezones. Is this in their working day? Or the equivalent of midnight? Or something else? There are no timezones, so there is no way of telling without looking at some shady website how many hours you are shifted - which is basically the concept of timezones anyway, but shittier.
The way he is holding it makes me uncomfortable