This is some [email protected] type of shit
Always remember: This too shall pass
This got me through the worst nights. This, coffee and a large stock of favourite candies/snacks. Don’t worry, the sleep thing gets way better soon, hang in there!
Thanks, they do not look cursed at all and totally won’t haunt my dreams tonight 👍
Because they mostly come in awesome boxes!
MIL does this on purpose. Fucking grinds my gears - I gave up on preaching that there is a reason for that little closed compartment.
If you make it look official enough. Then it’s the same as carrying a ladder and wearing working clothes - nobody questions it
How about we just airquote them? The „Elite“ sounds condescending enough imo
He’s just built different
actively tr[ying] to smell ants
Is my funniest mental image for today, thanks. Just some person outside creeping around the ground vigorously sniffing ants.
Exactly the first question popping into my mind
Oops, better watch out about that last statement you made there!